Ring Binary Motion Sensor stops working - other Ring entities still active

I have 2 Ring camera Devices, from which I get events that trigger an Automation.


  • type: motion
    platform: device
    device_id: 8eb9925a15f5c106ddd43f441905f6fe
    entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_motion
    domain: binary_sensor
    id: garage_motion

The integration shows the device in normal state. The Last Activity and Last Motion Sensors entities are still active and the History of those entities shows recent motion as expected. But the Motion Sensor entity state is always Clear and never changes. This seems to have started a week ago.

Anyone else see a change in their Ring notifications, or have a suggestion for getting this working again? I haven’t tried anything yet (like re-loading the integration).

Same here.

Wondering how to debug it. History for the sensor says “no history avaliable”.

Update: manually reloading the integration brought it back to life. That’s a bummer because it means it will just happen again

Im seeing this on my ring doorbell - the “ding” trigger stopped working a few weeks ago but the “last ding” still updates correctly. Has anyone managed to fix this?


The binary_sensor for motion is unreliable. Rebooting the integration, or the camera itself, may bring it back for a while but soon it stops again.

The last_motion sensor is reliable, showing the times of motion. Maybe I could use that instead, but I don’t know how to use that sensor to trigger an automation. What event does the entity generate when a new time is logged?

Same issue here. binary_sensor.ring_motion stops working. When you remove the integration, it works again but after a few hours it stops reacting to motion. Camera itself works fine. Ring app on phones work great.

Using the “last motion” isn’t an option since that one comes about 2 minutes after the actual movement is detected. Some argue it’s due to requests that are made too often to the Ring server. Too bad. It worked for me until about 3 weeks ago but I think that’s just arbitrary, based on how long it takes for the Ring server to put your/my HA requests in the digital waste bin.

I solved this problem by writing a script (actually 2 scripts) that reload the integration every 30 minutes. So far that’s worked. Obviously the Ring integration is never going to be fixed, and Ring doesn’t care because they’re Amazon now. I’m looking for a new camera system for the future, one with NO cloud dependencies.

This script reloads the integration:

alias: reload Ring integration
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entry_id: 665ab0d382d2a19b7b0044769d3cdfbc
mode: single
icon: mdi:view-sequential

This script calls the ‘reload’ script ever 30 minutes:

alias: keep Ring alive
  - repeat:
      count: "10000000"
        - service: script.1669999803018
          data: {}
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 30
            seconds: 0
            milliseconds: 0
mode: single
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Aah, never mind. It seems it can’t be run from one single automation. Thanks, your method works.

This workaround has been 100% reliable for a couple of months. Maybe the interval could be reduced, because there has to be a tiny window where motion could be missed while the integration is rebooting. But Ring has other issues and I want to move on to something better.

Same here. I’m going to use a Hue outdoor sensor to detect outside movement. Too bad. Will replace the Ring camera ASAP with some non cloud sollution.

BTW: I did move the timing script to an automation.

Is there an advantage to an automation? What triggers it?

So, It seems it IS possible to run the reload through one simple automation.

alias: Restart Ring Hourly
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    hours: "/1"
condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entry_id: d60c31f8662ea4454d204ad3c2574187
mode: single

Of course you’ll have to find your own entry_id (look it up in core.config_entries).

Hey Everyone,
I have just ran into this problem.
I just built my HA and everything was working great.
I had Ring working with MQTT - live stream - motion detection
 it was working.

Then i started to play with Graphs and Cards for lovelace Dashboard via HACS and thats when i noticed the trouble with my Motion detection.

I did some quick troubleshooting last night and realized that when MQTT is turned OFF - motion detection works again.

I want to blame the HACKS Dashboard intergrations i added, that could posibly be conflicting with MQTT ( it was all working great before these HACS installs)
but it sounds far fetched

Give it a try.
I can walk in front of my door, and nothing happens.
I turn off MQTT (both) and i will get motion alerts

let me know if you all have the same result


I don’t use MQTT. It seems I stopped getting motion events around the 1st of April, and re-loading the Ring integration no longer restores them.

Anyone else notice this, or have an idea?

Anyone ever find this answer?

Yep. Just started for me a couple of days ago. It was solid for about a year, then wham, it suddenly stops and HA says the entity is “unavailable”.

Somebody mentioned a Philips Hue motion sensor, which I shall have to look at as that may be a solution.

Also, has anyone looked at whether they use an IOS solution? (I created a short cut that if a certain user calls my phone, shortcuts and Apple Home sets a flag in HA that triggers a voice announcement. I’m just wondering if IOS shortcuts can detect output from the iPhone Ring app?