Ring Doorbells are as bad as they could get with their pure cloud service.
If one wants to do anything beyond the cloud service is completely impossible except for the fact that Dusty Greif has a great API that could push beyond limits
Checking the rest-client-api, the amount of opportunities are great.
And one of the things I’ve found that noone implemented (AFAIK) is a SIP Session which theorically I could direct to an Asterisk integration and for example, use any other device connected to SIP (a softphone on my phone or do a call through a SIP provider)
So far, my research leads, apart to the official HA integration, which doesn’t have anything related to SIP/Voice from the Ring devices (only sensors and video stream, which is pretty cool), there is another very old integration that has been deprecated
I’m thinking if I could, maybe create a HACS integration for what I’m trying to achieve. A long way to go for me, because I don’t have expertise in all the technologies involved (Typescript to deal with the API) and I’ve never created a HACS extension, so I would need to read the docs, the only thing I have a good knowledge of, is the SIP and Asterisk integration. I will be documenting all my steps here.
Any ideas from you will be greatly appreciated.