Ring Hassio component restarting every 4 hours

Running Hassio (in a VM) 0.105.2.

Using the Ring Hassio add-on component with Mosquitto broker. Lately, I’ve noticed that the component seems to “restart” every 4 hours, on the dot. I know this because I have notifications set up for Ring sensors to alert me when a door or window is open and I will get notifications for every single device, every 4 hours. When I look at the log files for the Ring Hassio component, I see the following:

2020-02-11T06:06:29.797Z ring-alarm-mqtt Location ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284 is disconnected
2020-02-11T06:06:32.110Z ring-alarm-mqtt Location ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284 is connected
2020-02-11T06:06:32.120Z ring-alarm-mqtt HASS config topic: homeassistant/alarm_control_panel/ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284/8fcb38ca-7046-4624-ac50-b51726b10f6c/config
2020-02-11T06:06:32.123Z ring-alarm-mqtt {
name: ‘Ring Alarm’,
unique_id: ‘8fcb38ca-7046-4624-ac50-b51726b10f6c’,
availability_topic: ‘ring/ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284/status’,
payload_available: ‘online’,
payload_not_available: ‘offline’,
state_topic: ‘ring/ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284/alarm/alarm_control_panel/8fcb38ca-7046-4624-ac50-b51726b10f6c/state’,
json_attributes_topic: ‘ring/ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284/alarm/alarm_control_panel/8fcb38ca-7046-4624-ac50-b51726b10f6c/attributes’,
command_topic: ‘ring/ca5d6eed-d9cd-4b5b-a9f1-6c6416756284/alarm/alarm_control_panel/8fcb38ca-7046-4624-ac50-b51726b10f6c/command’

and so on until it goes through every single component I have. There don’t appear to be any obvious errors…just the one line that says “Location disconnected”.

This has happened in the past, but went away with an HA update, I believe…but has since started happening again since at least the last few revisions. Unfortunately, I did not keep track of when it stopped and when it came back.

I have tried rebuilding the Ring Hassio component.

I’m having the exact same problem. This started happening for me a few weeks back.