Ring integration with Home Assistant no longer working. :(

Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere.

My ring devices were integrated and working as of 0.103.3 and have never had an issue with them however decided to patch to the latest version as most of the times its best practice.

I’m now presented with no working ring cameras and sensors as of 0.103.4. (26/12/19)

Error: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:

Invalid config

The following components and platforms could not be set up:

  • ring
  • ring.binary_sensor
  • ring.camera
  • ring.sensor

Can anyone confirm please if they have this issue also, the ring seems to work fine on my mobile devices so can only assume it was part of a patch change.

Thank you so much.

There is a fix on the way https://github.com/tchellomello/python-ring-doorbell/issues/142

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Super, thank you jesperweltz :slight_smile:

Confirming Ring authentication now working as of 0.103.5. (29/12/19)

Thank you to who ever put in the effort to fix this, it’s appreciated by many.

Is anyone else experiencing the same or is this thing “broken” again? I get the same message as before the fix:

Invalid config

The following components and platforms could not be set up:

  • ring
  • ring.binary_sensor
  • ring.camera
  • ring.sensor

Please check your config.

This worked yesterday… During the day the image went to broken, and now I get these messages again. Do you think Ring has blocked us again?

  • Edit: I see that this has been raised on github again and a newer release is scheduled. We will have to wait for a newer HA release.