Ring Lovelace integration - Video unavailable

Hi all,

New poster here, been following many of these threads to set up my new HA setup.

I am running into this weird issue with HA and ring-mqtt (https://community.home-assistant.io/t/ring-device-integration-via-mqtt-w-video-streaming). Whenever I restart my HA service (HA OS as VM), the integrations works great. I can start the live-stream service through a toggle, and when I click on the picture-glance (or picture-entity) card it opens up the live stream in a big pop-up window. However, once the live-stream service shuts down (automatically), and I restart the live-stream service through the toggle (and I see the service running in the log), when I click on the card it only shows the header bar of the pop-up, and no longer the video.

Further, I can see that the snapshot function is working as the card image updates after each motion detection throughout the day.

Did I code or config something wrong? See below the various codes:

Card code:

      - type: picture-glance
          - entity: switch.front_door_live_stream
        camera_image: camera.front_door
          action: more-info


#Ring Camera
  - platform: generic
    name: Front Door
    still_image_url: http://<IP of HA VM>:8123{{ states.camera.front_door_snapshot.attributes.entity_picture }}
    stream_source: rtsp://streaming_user:let_me_stream!@03cabcc9-ring-mqtt:8554/9c7613387efb_live

Note: I also tried stream_source: rtsp://03cabcc9-ring-mqtt:8554/9c7613387efb_live, same result.

ring-mqtt Configuration:

enable_cameras: true
snapshot_mode: motion
livestream_user: ''
livestream_pass: ''
enable_modes: false
enable_panic: false
beam_duration: 0
disarm_code: ''
mqtt_host: <auto_detect>
mqtt_port: <auto_detect>
mqtt_user: <auto_detect>
mqtt_password: <auto_detect>
branch: addon
debug: ring-*
ring_token: >- <TOKEN>
  - ''

Note: I also tried enable_modes: true, same result

ring-mqtt Log after toggling live-stream

2022-02-11T15:00:58.242Z ring-mqtt [Front Door] Received set live stream state ON
2022-02-11T15:00:58.242Z ring-mqtt [Front Door] Starting a keepalive stream for camera
2022-02-11T15:00:58.246Z ring-mqtt [Front Door] The keepalive stream has started
2022-02-11T15:00:58.247Z ring-rtsp INF [RTSP] [conn] opened
2022-02-11T15:00:58.249Z ring-rtsp INF [path 9c7613387efb_live] runOnDemand command started
2022-02-11T15:00:58.273Z ring-rtsp [Front Door] Activating live stream via topic ring/229e1772-af0c-4bc5-b1b2-15088a9858e1/camera/9c7613387efb/stream/command
2022-02-11T15:00:58.275Z ring-mqtt [Front Door] Received set live stream state ON-DEMAND
2022-02-11T15:00:58.276Z ring-mqtt [Front Door] ring/229e1772-af0c-4bc5-b1b2-15088a9858e1/camera/9c7613387efb/stream/state ON
2022-02-11T15:00:58.276Z ring-attr [Front Door] ring/229e1772-af0c-4bc5-b1b2-15088a9858e1/camera/9c7613387efb/stream/attributes {"status":"activating"}
2022-02-11T15:00:58.276Z ring-mqtt [Front Door] Establishing connection to live stream
2022-02-11T15:00:58.310Z ring-rtsp [Front Door] Live stream is activating...
2022-02-11T15:00:58.964Z ring-attr [Front Door] ring/229e1772-af0c-4bc5-b1b2-15088a9858e1/camera/9c7613387efb/stream/attributes {"status":"active"}
2022-02-11T15:00:58.987Z ring-rtsp [Front Door] Live stream is active!
2022-02-11T15:01:01.266Z ring-rtsp INF [RTSP] [conn] opened
2022-02-11T15:01:01.269Z ring-rtsp INF [RTSP] [session 649772858] opened by
2022-02-11T15:01:01.275Z ring-rtsp INF [RTSP] [session 649772858] is publishing to path '9c7613387efb_live', 3 tracks with TCP
2022-02-11T15:01:01.277Z ring-rtsp INF [RTSP] [session 343835732] opened by
2022-02-11T15:01:01.278Z ring-rtsp INF [RTSP] [session 492989300] opened by
2022-02-11T15:01:01.286Z ring-rtsp INF [RTSP] [session 492989300] is reading from path '9c7613387efb_live', 3 tracks with TCP
2022-02-11T15:01:03.249Z ring-rtsp INF [API] [conn] GET /v1/paths/list



1 Like

I noticed the same behavior in early 2022.2 builds although I had never really noticed it before. I believe it is this bug which was fixed in 2022.2.6, at least so far, I can’t reproduce it on that version. The bug says it was a fix for Nest, but the fix is in the stream component used by all native cameras, and the error I was seeing is nearly identical, i.e. any unexpected stream error would cause future attempts to fail to retry. Have you already updated to 2022.2.6?

I am trying to create a generic camera with my ring live stream url using the UI, but I fail:
(time exceeded while adding it).
What parameters should I use?
TCP vs. UDP?
basic vs. digest?
Anything else?

I tried all combinations, but no success…
I am running:

Home Assistant 2023.3.6
Supervisor 2023.03.3
Operating System 9.5
Frontend 20230309.1 - latest