Ring Motion "Event" create Binary Sensor

Hello Everyone.

I have an automation that uses the Ring Motion Binary Sensor. When the camera detects motion, the binary goes to ON for a number of seconds.
This is going to be depreciated according to the repair, I have from 2025.4

I need this sensor to operate like this, because it tells the automation that there is someone in the room as a condition of the light turning on or off.

I tried to make a template sensor based on the event sensor, every time I perform a search for event and template its showing me the kind of wrong answer or not the way to do it.
The event from the camera is called event.downstairs_motion all that does is create a timestamp of the motion detection. I don’t really understand if its an event or not.

  - trigger:
      trigger: event
      event_type: event.downstairs_motion
      - name: Downstairs Motion Detected
        auto_off: 15
        state: "true"

Some tips or pointers how to create a 15 second binary from this ring event would be helpful.



Also been struggling massively with this over the last couple of months. Had this all dealt with nicely and reliable for a few years, but the recent “improvements” are removing a bunch of options that I’ve used extensively and right now it’s not very apparent what replaces them.


It’s breaking things that don’t actually need to be broken. Some of the other autos I have work fine with the “event” sensor.

I’m not able to see how to work this one, and my home assistant instance is pretty complicated!

Hopefully someone can shed some light!


Don’t confuse an Event trigger with an Event entity. You have an Event entity, all you need to do is use a State trigger to monitor that entity.

- trigger:
    - trigger: state
      entity_id: event.downstairs_motion
        - unknown
        - unavailable
    - name: Downstairs Motion Detected
      auto_off: 15
      state: "true"

That works a treat!
The confusion is as you say event entity and events
Many thanks for your help!