Hello Everyone.
I have an automation that uses the Ring Motion Binary Sensor. When the camera detects motion, the binary goes to ON for a number of seconds.
This is going to be depreciated according to the repair, I have from 2025.4
I need this sensor to operate like this, because it tells the automation that there is someone in the room as a condition of the light turning on or off.
I tried to make a template sensor based on the event sensor, every time I perform a search for event and template its showing me the kind of wrong answer or not the way to do it.
The event from the camera is called event.downstairs_motion all that does is create a timestamp of the motion detection. I don’t really understand if its an event or not.
- trigger:
trigger: event
event_type: event.downstairs_motion
- name: Downstairs Motion Detected
auto_off: 15
state: "true"
Some tips or pointers how to create a 15 second binary from this ring event would be helpful.