Ring-MQTT - Can't get video or snapshot to work


I am trying to configure a home assistant card so that it displays a video or screen capture when there is an event. I have successfully integrated MQTT with Ring, but I am not sure what to do next. I have done a lot of research trying to create actions and cards, but I can’t seem to get the card to display a video or picture. Further, when I try to save a photo to the /media folder, the folder is blank. I am not sure if I need to use go2rtc (which that seems super confusing). Trying my best to learn but I feel stuck. Any help or guidance would be appreciated

did you check here? This explains how with examples.

Thank you. I have read this, and I get confused during this statement

  1. From the Home Assistant Devices list select the Camera to be added
  2. Select the Info sensor and, on the pop-up window click the Control icon in the upper right corner
  3. Click Attributes to expand the available attribute properties
  4. Copy the Stream Source and Still Image URL values to a temporary location

I am using a ring doorbell 2nd gen. This is my MQTT what I am seeing

Do I need to do RTSP? If so, I have these instructions, but I am unsure where to find the ‘sensors’ section

  1. Find and select the desired camera from the Home Assistant Devices list view
  2. In the Sensors section of the device view select the Info sensor and, in the pop-up window, click the Control icon in the upper right corner
  3. Select Attributes to expand the available attribute properties
  4. View and make a copy of the Stream Source value which is the guessed RTSP URL

this is my ring doorbell setting.

huh. Mine is identical to yours.

I remember getting the info but, for the life of me, I cannot remember how (I cannot see an info sensor either). I wonder of something has changed.

oh bummer, yea, the instructions seems straight forward enough, I just can’t see where I select the “info” sensor or “sensors section”. Just not sure where to go for that

Have you had any luck with getting this solved? I got stuck on the same point.

I am stuck as well at same point. Instructions don’t match how HA works / looks now.

yea I did get this solved. You select The three dots next to “Download Diagnostics”, look throuugh the downloaded file for “RPC Stream” and use that to obtain the information needed to set up the ‘generic camera’ card. Don’t use the snapshot stream, I couldn’t get it to work

for the rtsp stream, I really recommend this instead

{{ state_attr('sensor.name_of_your_ring_info', 'stream_Source') }}

note carefully… It is the sensor with the name of your ring plus ‘_info’

There is this sensor info device that is created. You can use this template for the stream URL in the generic camera config. It will pull the right URL for you.

I dont know why the videos and docs don’t do this… I find it much easier to get right

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That is a good idea, I opened an item for discussion on the project git page. I’ll add that suggestion as well…

Discussion I opened on ring Mqtt project page… hopefully help next set of folks that get stuck.

How I found it, developer tools, states, camera.[camera name].info… it’s in there…

Mqtt mosquito, ring-mqtt, and this… (may need to install go2rtc independently)… unsure. Alot of old, outdated, and wrong information out there… 3/27/2024… this is the way to go. Works no problem.