I have been able to set up ring Mqtt and can set up a generic camera for RTSP streaming.
Has anyone figured out how to show a live view of the battery ring door bell on a card ONLY when the ring doorbell is pressed? Maybe the card only shows video for 10 seconds?
I rely on the ring app notification to my phone and having the rtsp stream going all the time will prevent me from getting a notification from the ring app.
Do you have kmowledge of the script I can use to execute this? Thank you in advance
problem with this is he even says using ring doorbell is difficult. He doesn’t use ring in the video, and I am also not sure how the code to pull up the RTSP stream. When I did some more research. From my understanding I need to convert the RTSP stream to HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) format using tools like FFMPEG - which I have no explored how to do but seems quite complicated
it is true that ring is a little janky… primarily in that it is slow to start up the stream. but that’s not something ha can solve… the ring app itself, if you measure the time delta, takes a long time to get the video stream going. (takes mine about 5-10 seconds)