Rinnai Heating/Cooling Wifi Module

Any more thoughts after the latest logs?

Yes. My thoughts are confirmed. The temperature is reported on the common zone. Iā€™ll try and address that in the next few weeks.

There is a sort of workaround you could use for the time being: You can set up the common zone and then use the name of the temperature sensor and use it for the main unitā€™s temperature. I think youā€™ll need to know the name of the sensor during setup, so you may have to set up, get the name, remove, restart, and set up again.

Haha yeah I tried that the first time I noticed it was coming through on the comon zone temp but it didnā€™t seem to work - I probably mistyped it though. Iā€™ll give it another go tomorrow or the next dayā€¦ :+1:

ok, so I set it up again, and said I had a common zone.
the temp sensor for common zone is called ā€œsensor.rinnai_touch_common_zone_temperature_sensorā€

I deleted the setup, re did it and put that as the name for the normal temp sensor, but it still shows as ā€œunavailableā€ for the normal zone, even though the common zone temp sensor is giving a reading (and everything else in the common zone reads as unavailable )

UPDATE: after leaving it for 10 min, i think it might have updated and now shows the common zone temp in the normal zoneā€¦ so a temporary fix!

Hey everyone, Just thought i would share something that i just found as i know there are posts above about how crappy the wifi connectivity is for the Wifi Touch module (hot tip - try wifi channel 6 if you donā€™t want to read the rest of the post).

After about 4 months of really crappy connectivity to my wifi touch module and the last 3 of them where my Homebridge / HA setup has not been able to connect all / as well as brivis touch app not even being able to connect (I always delete the brivis touch app once Homebridge is working so it doesnt interfere) I was finally able to get my module working again today.

I had been looking at buying a new Wifi Touch unit for the past few weeks, been on the phone with Rinnai support multiple times, had my Brivis heater serviced yesterday and the guy doing it said ā€œthe error lights indicate replace the moduleā€

After all that, it ended up just beingā€¦

The Bloody Wifi Channel on the Access Point.

I have a unifi setup with 2x APā€™s, and the Brivis module is connected to a 2.4Ghz only network and locked in to a specific access point thatā€™s about 2 meters away.

The connectivity has been crap - massive packet loss, when i do get a ping response - in the thousands of ms.

as a last resort i was doing some troubleshooting to isolate my wireless network as the issue - i tried to configure the module as new via the brivis app - but using my iphone as a hotspot.

the brivis app process errored at multiple points, but i found that if i reboot the wifi touch module, and press retry on the app - it would let me get a step further than the last timeā€¦ untilā€¦ it finally connected and was showing all zones / temps correctly.

The unit was flashing 7 orange lights which means no cloud connectivity available (donā€™t really care about that) - but it meant the brivis unit wasnā€™t totally cactus.

So now i knew i could connect eventually. I went through and tried getting the thing to connect to my home wifi, after using the reboot the unit process to allow me to get to the next steps in the brivis app. eventually i could see the Wifi Touch module show up in my unifi dashboard - but i had about 99% packet loss and the connection was lousy.

I started playing around with my wifi settings (making sure i locked the brivis unit to the closest access point) and then started playing around with the channels.

The AP was originally on channel 1 (my other AP was set to Channel 6), i changed it to channel 11 with a slight improvement.

I changed the channel on my other AP, and set the closest one to Channel 6 and Voila! i went from 99% packet lost to consistent sub 100ms ping responses!!

After that, i deleted the brivis wifi touch app, started the homebridge container, updated the config for the correct IP and everything started working again.

Sorry for the long winded post - but I thought this might help people who have been battling the flakiness of these units.


Hi, thanks for your postā€¦ got me hopeful!!
I also run a unifi network with multiple APs.
The Ap my Brivis wifi is 1 meter away from was on Channel 3 for the 2.4G IOT networkā€¦
Now I have disabled the Funtastix addon, as I get an error flooding the logs with 1000ā€™s of message per second, which rapidly fills the HDD and crashes Home Assistant. I have tried the HomeBridge plugin also, but randomly loses connection, at least once per day and I just got sick of all the rebooting of everything in attempt to get it back.
Now my history of poor connection goes way back to day 1 of this damn module, where Fantastix has tried hard to work around the issue, but seemed bottom line I had a dud module, So earlier this year I bit the bullet and forked out for a new module.
I have to say the Wifi on the new module was significantly better, showing 35db connection, considering the previous module would not do better than 85db no matter what I tried.
But the new module suffers the issue I mention above, which I am almost thinking another dud, but a different issueā€¦
Curiously the new module works 100% fine with the Brivis app! Albeit a pain in the a.se app, but It connects every time!
Soooā€¦ I with your post, I thought maybeā€¦. And it could allow me to enable Funtastix addon again, so I set the closest AP to Channel 6, I. Checked the ping before and after and not much change, varies between 30ms to 300ish msā€¦
I enabled Funtastix addon and it connected to the module fine and got all its status etc straight away.
I the tailed the log on HA grepped for rinnaiā€¦.

Aug 21 20:22:39 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-21 20:22:39.821 ERROR (Thread-37826 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 21 20:22:39 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-21 20:22:39.822 ERROR (Thread-37826 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 21 20:22:39 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-21 20:22:39.823 ERROR (Thread-37874 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 21 20:22:39 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-21 20:22:39.823 ERROR (Thread-37874 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 21 20:22:39 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-21 20:22:39.824 ERROR (Thread-37826 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 21 20:22:39 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-21 20:22:39.824 ERROR (Thread-37826 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m

So unfortunately Channel 6 has not solved my issue :frowning:

So one thing i had learnt from the past is that the brivis unit only seems to allow one connection at a time.

Even when itā€™s running in itā€™s Access Point mode as part of the setup process, it doesnt seem to allow 2 devices to connect to the Brivis Wifi Network.

Have you still got the brivis app installed on any devices?

I found a big connection stability increase for homebridge when i uninstalled the brivis touch app from all of my devices so the only thing that would talk to the brivis was homebridge.

Have you made sure there is only 1 device / service connecting to the Brivis unit, and uninstall the app to limit the risk of it hi-jacking your connection?

Hope this helps

Thanks again for the suggestion, yes been well aware of the single connection issue to these modules, although while I have ensured the app is not running anywhere, I had never gone as far as removing the app from devices.
So just tried that, I had the app on my ipad as well as phone, removed it from both.
Power cyled the module, rebooted the access point, then restarted the funtastix add on, sure enough, within a minute, the same issue flooding the log occurs.
Interestingly enough, when I use the rinnai app, it is always connecting via cloud / external connection, not local. I am thinking that would suggest something has hold of the local connectionā€¦
Beats me what it could be!
But restarting the funtastix addon briefly regains connection, until the log spamming re-occurs not long after,

Definitely open to more suggestions, I would love to have this working reliably, when it used to play up every few days, my automations to control the climate are litterally funtastic(x)ā€¦ having to run with default brivis schedules is at least reliable, but not exactly smart.

well - after waking up this morning to a unit that wasnā€™t connected - it wasnā€™t channel 6 after all.

i did a quick scan and found that channel 6 was now heavily congested - so flicked over to channel 1 and that did the trick.

@grouts - have you tried the Homebridge plugin for the brivis to isolate if your issue is purely with the funtastix addon?

I just realised you can prevent the logs being flooded by changing the logging behaviour:

  default: warn
    custom_components.rinnaitouch.pyrinnaitouch: critical

This will avoid errors being logged for the component.

You can go more specific if you like:

  default: warn
    custom_components.rinnaitouch.pyrinnaitouch.receiver: critical

hey SJM, sorry to hear about your channel 6 not being the magical fix,
these modules are so incredibly annoying!
Yes, I have used the M@ntorok plugin on HB, and it is a LOT more reliable than using the HA addon, but still randomly loses connection.
As the weather here in Melb warms up slowly, I might go back to playing more, but there is nothing worse than waking up to a freezing cold house in the middle of winter, so I resorted to the non smart schedule built into the NC-6 and disabled both HA and HB addons.
As I said earlier, the string thing, while the Rinnai app works 100% of the time, it always connects from external (cloud icon in lower right), despite I am in the house,
although maybe that happens as my phone is not on the IOT network. although user and IOT networks are fully routed.
I have wasted so much time and Money on this thing, It wore me down thru winterā€¦
Yet last summer to run my cooling it did great !?!?

Thanks Funtastix, I was hoping there might be a way to stop the logs being spammed,

So I have ā€œlogger: !include logger.yamlā€
So updated my logger.yaml as follows:

default: warn
##   Rinnai Touch integration debug logging
#default: warning
##   Rinnai Touch integration debug logging
  custom_components.rinnaitouch.pyrinnaitouch.receiver: critical
#  custom_components.rinnaitouch: debug
#  custom_components.rinnaitouch.pyrinnaitouch: debug
#  pyrinnaitouch: debug

Saved, ran config check and restarted HA,
then I enabled the Addon:

Shortly after, the Log still gets floodedā€¦

Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.920 ERROR (Thread-210 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.920 ERROR (Thread-210 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.922 ERROR (Thread-210 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.923 ERROR (Thread-210 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.923 ERROR (Thread-163 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.923 ERROR (Thread-163 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.925 ERROR (Thread-210 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.925 ERROR (Thread-210 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.926 ERROR (Thread-163 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn't send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m
Aug 22 13:16:32 ha2 homeassistant[679]: #033[31m2024-08-22 13:16:32.926 ERROR (Thread-163 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, 'Bad file descriptor'))#033[0m

Could be that you need to change from




Yes, looks like that did the trick!!
Of course the problem is why does it happen and how to stop it,
The messages are of course saying the addon can no longer communicate to the module,
This started happening a few months back, yesterday I put the old module back on, as I never has this issue with it, only that it continually would drop off wifi. But alas, the same log spamming message occurred with the old module as well,
Looking at my unifi console, shows -85dbm for the old module wifi connection and -35 to -45 dbm on the new, big difference, definitely shows there is something wrong with the old module.
But why am i almost immediately after a successful connection from HA to the module burst into the communication error that spams the log ( until we finally successfully masked the error messages)?

@SJM what settings to you have for your IOT network / wifi?
I feel this has to be related to a wifi tuning on the unifi?