Risco alarm integration - Cloud Disconnect

Hi, I have a Risco LightSys+ installed from a few months and never had a problem. I wanted to integrate it with home assistant so a couple of days ago I’ve done it using the cloud option.
What I noticed was that from the moment I did that, the alarm started to misbehave. For example I’ve got an alarm because one PIR sensor was having memory issues. Although suspicious I’ve left the integration active and I then noticed in the logs that from when I integrated the alarm with hassio I have a lot of “cloud disconnect” items in the logs of the risco system.
I thought I could be throttled somehow although it’s not mentioned anywhere but I’m using a user that it’s only used for hassio integration so I can exclude multiple users trying to log in concurrently.

Has anyone experienced similar issues?

I had a misbehaving alarm using local connection. Entities got regularly unavailable and the alarm in the end just blocked itself and I had to call the service guy to restart it.

I have a Risco Lightsys alarm as well, the integration in HA works well, although it’s often unavailable for a short period of time (seconds or minutes), I don’t have any issues with the alarm system itself.