RM mini 3 stopped working from HA 0.101 -> 0.102

I had RM mini 3 working just fine with HASSIO 0.101 and RM Mini 3 v55
I upgraded to HASSIO 0.102.3 and started getting this error:
[homeassistant.components.broadlink.switch] Failed to connect to device

IHC works just fine and the IP has not changed…
I proceeded to update to RM Mini v57 but still same problem. It must be something with HA.

My config as a switch:

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 'C8:F7:42:21:A1:XX'
    type: rm_mini

I haven’t made any changes to my broadlink component in several months so I doubt that 102.3 breaks the broadlink component. One thing I would check is to see if the RM will go into learning mode from HA. If not, I suspect that your broadlink may have picked up a different IP. If you RM3 was working in .101, then nothing needs to be changed to your config file. It has to be your RM

I have a BroadLink RM mini 3 and I have lots of problems while using HA.
I’m 100% sure it’s not the IP address, the device gets it from the DHCP on my router and it’s set fixed for that MAC.
But… I did notice the device timing out on ICMP (even with the device is right next to the router)
and this happens ALOT.
I also noticed that sometimes the device does not respond when you send commands from HA (with the well known error message in the logs: Failed to connect… but the device is pingable) but then after restarting the HA instance it starts responding (also tried to restart the BroadLink device but that doesn’t help).
So I think the Wifi module of the device is poor quality or maybe even broken on mine but there is still an issue within HA also.

Another strange issue I have now is using automation. It used to work and the script I use does still work when I call it manually but it refuses to work in automations. But I need to look into this issue a bit more.

I have now also bought a RM pro, will test things with that device next weekend and see if there is any difference between the two devices.

I’m now running a RM Pro for about 3 weeks and all is working fine and stable.
No issue anymore and very happy with the setup.

I also had an issue where RM Mini 3 stopped working. I had a RM Pro downstairs and RM Mini 3 upstairs. The RM Mini 3 completely stopped working for no apparent reason. No errors.
The RM Pro continued to work fine. Looking at type for each device I had rm_pro_phicomm for the RM Pro and rm_mini for the RM Mini 3. I changed the device type on the RM Mini 3 to also be rm_pro_phicomm and it works perfectly again.


Interesting… I will try that also with my mini and report.

I just wanted to report that after randomly stopping to work today, HA_Rog’s solution solved it for me

My rm mini stop work too.
Not only with HA, I can’t even reset it (blue light doesn’t blink after holding reset button. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Broadlink recently changed to an integration. Be sure you add it that way and not through YAML. Other than that. it has been working just fine.

Yes it changed and it messed up for me.
I added the integration, it created an entity.
Now when I call a script, it calls it twice!
Same script as I had before.
I even tested the call in the dev tools section to see what’s happening, I observed the following:

Service: remote.send_command
Entity: remote.broadlink_rm_pro_3_remote
device: 32756745 -> this was added by the interface
command: >-
  b64:********** huge string of data I send (which has not changed and has always worked) *********

When I click ‘call service’, it executes 2 times.
So when I have a toggle (which it is in my case) it turns my device on and back off after a second.

I changed my setup now, I removed the script and added a switch in my config.yaml

- platform: broadlink
    mac: DeviceMac
        friendly_name: "Pellet toggle"
        command_on: 'command string'

This works when I trigger it from the interface using a button.
It didn’t work on my automation yet but still testing.