RM Mini Broadlink - How to add new device?

Hello there,
New with home assistant I need your help :pleading_face:
I followed this configuration page to include my Broadlink RM Mini 3 to Home Assistant. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/broadlink

This is an extract from my configuration.yaml

### Configuration du broadlink
  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 34:EA:14:42:B5:BC
    name: rm_mini

I learned couple of command through services > remote.learn_command
I get keys I need in .storage folder that’s ok.

Now I’m wondering how to add a new device “Television” which could include the commands I learned… I’m a bit confused with that…

Thank you for your help

Have a look at this video.

One thing you can do to make it easier on yourself is to look in the description, there is a link to a online converter which converts the json input to the yaml you use in configuration.
That way you don’t have to do all the copy paste as he does in the video.

Thank you @Hellis81 for your advice!
So I have done this configuration, I have used the online converter, and I still have a problem.

Now my configuration.yaml is this :

### Broadlink Configuration
  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 34:EA:14:42:B5:BC
    name: rm_mini

I didn’t have a switch.yaml file in my /config so I have created it :

platform: broadlink
mac: '34:EA:14:42:B5:BC'
  television_volume down:
    friendly_name: "television volume down"
  television_volume up:
    friendly_name: "television volume up"

After restarting my HA server I can’t find the new switches as expected, it should be located in Developer Tools > State but I don’t have any of them…

I hope someone can help me…

Not sure actually. I didn’t use the “remote” I created switches and used broadlink manager.

But aren’t they listed under switch.television…

Also… do you have spaces in the names? Is that even possible?