when I restart home assistant service it doesnt show on the dashboard (preview), also I cant see the service in states and there is error in my logs, what am I doing wrong?
You can test by put the switches inside first with empty command on and off. example to turn on/off tv. To get the switch of livingroom tv show on the frontend.
You aren’t creating a “broadlink” device. You are creating a “switch” device that is using the broadlink platform to communicate with it.
It would be the same with MQTT. If you add an MQTT broker it doesn’t show up on the frontend. The only thing that will show up is the device (switch, etc.) that you create using the MQTT platform.
If you do as sunonline suggested and just build some “dummy” switches, those switches will show in the frontend. then when you try to operate the switch a light should flash (once for each operation) on the broadlink to show that it is active.
Thank you I’ll try it, is there anyway to capture the ID of my switches ? The thing is that it doesn’t even show up in the events/states so I can’t even know what is the entity ID.
you have to create the entity id of the switch in your configuration.yaml (or switches.yaml if you have your configuration split up).
Have you read the component page for the broadlink component?
you need to be able to capture the codes for your device from the remote then add them to the configuration as in the examples on that page.
the devices are not discoverable from the broadlink device AT ALL. You have to capture the code and manually program each switch that you want HA to control via the broadlink device.