RMF Rohrmotor24 support?

I’m having the following wireless receiver:

Would it be possible to send events to this receiver using home assistant on a pi? Or would I need some expensive gateway from the RMF company (whatever this is, I don’t even know).

Atm each receiver is just connected to a wireless emitter button, also from RMF. But now further home automation available yet.

The RFXtrx433XL supports RMF at 433MHz.
But also Somfy RTS and many other.

OK but I have to admit, I didn’t intend to pay 100+ for a bridge just for having adding those receivers into HA. Is there no other choice?

100+ ???
€ 86.10 https://www.home4u-shop.de/rfxtrx433xl-usb-ha-controler-433.92-mhz-transceiver-rfxcomxl
And not only blind motors but also weather sensor, security sensors, Intertechno …

or maybe you like this one: https://www.rohrmotor24.eu/everHome-CloudBox-LAN-Gateway-433-868-MHZ-24-GHZ-Bulkware-Plus

Ok so there is clearly no chance plugging them in with a raspberry + zigbee stick?

The first one looks nice, but it is not supported with home assistant, is it? Would it work with a raspberry?