I have Valetudo RE installed and has previously been working perfectly. I could control it and had a live map showing in lovelace using valetudo-map-card. I’m using mqtt to get the map data.
A few days ago, the map stopped showing in lovelace. Now it’s just a picture of the vacuum icon siting in a blank area. I checked rrcc app and it’s showing the same. If I look at the camera.rockrobo_map image, it shows a map from days ago when the vacuum got stuck while cleaning. I think, when I restarted the vacuum at that point, the map reset and the vacuum didn’t know where the dock was. But it restored the proper map when the vacuum was docked again.
If I look at the vacuum’s ip page, it shows the correct live map. MQTT is still working (can control the vacuum) but when I listen for valetudo/rockrobo/map_data_parsed (which is used to make the sensor.xiaomi_map), it doesn’t return the long string of numbers I’ve seen before. Instead it’s this:
"header_length": 20,
"data_length": 140,
"version": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 1
"map_index": 1474,
"map_sequence": 2,
"image": {
"segments": {
"count": 1
"position": {
"top": 512,
"left": 512
"dimensions": {
"height": 0,
"width": 0
"pixels": {
"floor": [],
"obstacle_strong": [],
"segments": {}
"path": {
"current_angle": 180,
"points": [
"robot": [
Does anyone know how to fix this or has seen it before? Minor issue really as HA is still capable of controlling the vacuum but it is irritating.