Roborock: Start program, get current coordinates, set mode-options on start

Hi folks,

I’m super happy about the awesome Roborock integration. We can now tell Alexa that “there is a sandpit in the hall” or “we made a mess” and the corresponding rooms are vacuumed. :grin:

Still, I have some requests for the Roborock integration to make it even more awesome:

  • in the app you can predefine programs incl. A subset of rooms to clean and which mode options to use. It would be great if I could trigger those from HA.

  • Navigating the robot to specific coordinates is already possible. But there does not seem to be a way to ask the robot for its current coordinates. That’d be super helpful.

  • When starting to clean or starting a segment cleaning, there should be a way to specify the mode (vacume, mob, both) and the according parameters (intensity,…).

Big thanks in advance for considering my suggestions. Let me know if I can sponsor some coffee/beer to appreciate your work!


I have not looked into all of what you ask, but I already do cleaning subset of rooms and I would think using the Map sensor you can get:

  x: 25610
  'y': 25162
  a: -88

Which is an attribute hanging off the map.

For instance this is my GUI:

I can select one or more rooms and start clean of only those. I don;t do per room mop/don’t mop as I prefer to do either mopping or none (as in I remove the mop and water tank for vacuum only operations and then put them in for mopping)… I have other things set up like holding down the “Water Level” sensor will cause the vacuum to go to the kitchen sink for refill.

I am sure there are better ways but when I set this up, you could not really get room names and their ID. I thik that exists now and how I did it could be replaced. But as for now, I have a simple JSON read via REST that looks like this:

    "rooms": [
            "name": "kitchen",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_kitchen",
            "id": "17"
            "name": "dining_room",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_dining_room",
            "id": "16"
            "name": "foyer",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_foyer",
            "id": "18"
            "name": "laundry",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_laundry",
            "id": "20"
            "name": "living_room",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_living_room",
            "id": "19"
            "name": "master_bedroom",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_master_bedroom",
            "id": "21"
            "name": "master_bathroom",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_master_bathroom",
            "id": "22"
            "name": "guest_bathroom",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_guest_bathroom",
            "id": "23"
    "points": [
            "name": "sink",
            "x": 17989,
            "y": 25491

SO the input booleans in the GUI across the top are clicked and script is like this:

  alias: Run Vacuum
  - service: roborock.vacuum_clean_segment
      segments: "{% set vacrooms = namespace(roomid=[]) %}\n{% for rooms in state_attr('sensor.roborock_rooms','rooms')
        -%}\n  {% if is_state(rooms.boolean,'on') %}\n    {% set room = %}\n
        \   {% set vacrooms.roomid = vacrooms.roomid + [room] %}\n  {% endif %}\n{%-
        endfor %}\n{{ vacrooms.roomid }}\n"
      entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:robot-vacuum

So for each input_boolean that is “on” (aka Kitchen and Dining in the screen shot), it will clean them.

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Thanks for the insights! I don’t have a “map” sensor in my HA. Did you do anything special to get that?

These are all the sensors I have from Roborock:


I use this integration GitHub - humbertogontijo/homeassistant-roborock: Roborock integration for Home Assistant. This integration uses your devices from the Roborock App

Perhaps you have a different one?

Ah, yes, I use the official one: Roborock - Home Assistant. That’s also why I posted the feature requests here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well you can still do multiple map segments as that integration has that sample right in the description. You run a command to get id’s. I would examine all the other attributes off those sensors as maybe one has current position

Yes, I can replicate the programs from the app in HA, that is true.

I spent this AM redoing mine for Kiosk mode.

Going to add some animations and such.

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Looks great. The official integration says to also aim for map features. Hope we get there, soon. :slight_smile:

@tobyS @kbrown01 any news here? It is 2023 now and I still do not see much progress in the “default” roborock integration.
Should I switch to the XIOAMI integration - and if I do so, could I use them in parallel?
Because I really like the Roborock-App…

This is my setup;

quite simple, but extremly effective;

Modus: vacuum & mop, vacuum, mop, intesive (will first vacuum and mop @ full power, than, when it returns to dock, it will switch to vacuum only, and do the same room again).

Ruimte: i’ll select the zone to clean. I’ve got also a zone at the dining table where our kids are.

i cant get it to work im trying to achive this with bools im using the official roborock integration

i tryed this:

service: vacuum.send_command
  command: app_segment_clean
    - segments:
        "{% if states('input_boolean.cuarto_tv') == 'on' %}- 18{% endif %}"
        "{% if states('input_boolean.cocina') == 'on' %}- 20{% endif %}"
  entity_id: vacuum.s7_roborock

with no luck also this

  command: app_segment_clean
    - segments: >-
        {% if states('input_boolean.cuarto_tv') == 'on' %}- 18{% endif %}
        {% if states('input_boolean.cocina') == 'on' %}- 20{% endif %}
  entity_id: vacuum.s7_roborock

type or paste code here

and this, im pretty sure its syntax issue

service: vacuum.send_command
  command: app_segment_clean
    - segments: |
        {% if states('input_boolean.cuarto_tv') == 'on' %}- 18{% endif %}
        {% if states('input_boolean.cocina') == 'on' %}- 20{% endif %}
  entity_id: vacuum.s7_roborock

but i dont know where. any help thank you
> Blockquote


IMHO, that would never work as you are merely returning strings from the template. You need to build a list. In my case, I use a REST sensor that contains all the rooms. I have a JSON file that maps boolean name/id and friendly name.

    "rooms": [
            "name": "kitchen",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_kitchen",
            "id": "17"
            "name": "dining_room",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_dining_room",
            "id": "16"
            "name": "foyer",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_foyer",
            "id": "18"
            "name": "laundry",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_laundry",
            "id": "20"
            "name": "living_room",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_living_room",
            "id": "19"
            "name": "master_bedroom",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_master_bedroom",
            "id": "21"
            "name": "master_bathroom",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_master_bathroom",
            "id": "22"
            "name": "guest_bathroom",
            "boolean": "input_boolean.vac_guest_bathroom",
            "id": "23"
    "points": [
            "name": "sink",
            "x": 17989,
            "y": 25491

Then a sensor that reads that JSON from my installation. Note I use multiple YAML file includes so this would be in configuration.yaml as:

sensor: !include sensor.yaml

Then in sensor.yaml I have this:

## Roborock Rooms 
- platform: rest
  name: roborock_rooms
  value_template: "{{ now() }}"
    - rooms
    - points

Then I can build a list from the booleans that are “on” as follows:

      segments: |
        {% set vacrooms = namespace(roomid=[]) %}
        {% for rooms in state_attr('sensor.roborock_rooms','rooms') -%}
          {% if is_state(rooms.boolean,'on') %}
            {% set room = %}
            {% set vacrooms.roomid = vacrooms.roomid + [room] %}
          {% endif %}
        {%- endfor %}
        {{ vacrooms.roomid }}

There are many ways to do it … no JSON, just fields. You could do it using a similar namespace and a series of if’s if you like, but it needs to be a list. The top left off the image are the input_boolean’s for all the rooms. I can select several rooms and run:

Just an updated note for anyone stumbling across this, it turns out that because the particular integration i use, the segments could be like this (strings) as it does string to integer conversion inside the integration.

- '16'
- '17'

At least one (the now main Roborock integration) does not support strings and they must be integers like:

- 16
- 17

So the code should change from:

{% set room = %}


{% set room = | int %}

This way the list of room IDs are integers. There is a long thread here which leads to this:

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Hi, how do you navigate the robot to a specific coordinate? I would love to be able to click a button and have the vacuum go to the bin.

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Can you please share the whole configuration for mushroom card of vacuum. I am stuck after rest sensor