Hi everyone.
So I followed a few guides here and on reddit and are almost done creating a “garage” for my Roborock S5 Max. It’s hidden under my kitchen cabinet and is opened via 2 servos running on ESP. All that is fine, but I wanted it to open when the vacuum starts cleaning. As of now, I use the ‘Xiaomi Vacuum Map’ card (https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card). to control the vacuum.
I’ve made an automation that tells the servos to open when the vacuum starts cleaning. But that is too late, as it takes a full 10sec for the servos to start opening, after I hear the vacuum start. I think it is because Roborock is too slow to update it’s status,
So my question is: Is there a way I can delay the vacuum, or a way to send the status to the ESP faster? I did think of making an automation ie. “Clean” that would first open the doors, and then start the vacuum, but then the problem is that I cannot use the Vacuum card add-on to select Zone, full, room etc.
I hope someone can help.