Rockrobot v1 timeout during integration (rockrobo.vacuum.v1)


The integration of my xiaomi v1 robot vacuum cleaner no longer works using the Xiaomi MiiO integration.

From manual configuration or via the cloud the error is the same:
ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [miio.miioprotocol] Got error when receiving: timed out

I have another aqara products that works with a similar configuration and is accessible as lumi.gateway.v3.
I have already succeeded once in associating my robot by making it accessible on the local network but it was from an old version of the mi home application.
This option is now not found in the latest versions of the app.

I think the robot is inaccessible because of this option.

The robot is accessible from the app. xiaomi but integration in HA is impossible.
I’ve the IP, MAC address and token of the device.
My HA (2025.1) run on a docker container using network_mode: host

Any idea to activate this option and make the robot visible on the local network ?
