Rointe Heaters Integration

Having previously installed the Rointe integration in the past (which worked well) I’ve now needed to fully recreate my HA installation (which is running in Docker). This time round when I install via HACS and add the integration when I setup my credentials for Rointe Cloud HA finds my Rointe installation but I now get an error saying “Failed setup, will retry: ‘schedule_day’” It seems that there is a problem pulling my configuration from the cloud. In my log I see the following:
Unexpected error fetching rointe data
19:05:45 – (ERROR) Rointe Heaters (custom integration) - message first occurred at 18:54:42 and shows up 15 times
Error during authentication: Authentication returned 400 (Bad Request)
18:58:09 – (ERROR) Rointe Heaters (custom integration)

I’ve tried both a fresh setup of Rointe as well and copying my previous backup over but both fail with the same issue. I’ve tried pulling different versions of the Rointe integration from GitHub - tggm/rointe-hacs: A HACS repo for the Home Assistant Rointe Integration without any luck. Current version is 1.4.3. Is anyone else seeing this issue? I suspect that Rointe may have changed their API but I can’t tell. Any suggestions for solving this issue?


Hello, I’m facing the same issue. Did you manage to fix it?
I have a fresh installation of Rointe (only 1 oval towel device) … but not yet visible inside HA Green (no docker)

By enabling the debug log, I have the following content!

2024-10-01 17:28:21.407 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rointe] Finished fetching rointe data in 0.929 seconds (success: False)
2024-10-01 17:28:41.904 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rointe] Device manager updating
2024-10-01 17:28:42.261 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rointe] Found device ID: B8E2CAF9D108B8E2CYTAF9D1
2024-10-01 17:28:42.868 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rointe] Processing data for device ID: B8E2CAF9D108B8E2CYTAF9D1
2024-10-01 17:28:42.869 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rointe] Found new device Towel F9D108 [oval_towel] - v2. FW: 2_1_1
2024-10-01 17:28:42.869 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.rointe] Unexpected error fetching rointe data
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 354, in _async_refresh = await self._async_update_data()
  File "/config/custom_components/rointe/", line 44, in _async_update_data
    new_devices = await self.device_manager.update()
  File "/config/custom_components/rointe/", line 179, in update
    new_device = await self._process_api_data(
  File "/config/custom_components/rointe/", line 225, in _process_api_data
    new_device = self._add_or_update_device(
  File "/config/custom_components/rointe/", line 285, in _add_or_update_device
    rointe_device = RointeDevice(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/rointesdk/", line 73, in __init__
    self.update_data(device_info, energy_data, latest_fw)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/rointesdk/", line 110, in update_data
    self.schedule_day = data["schedule_day"]
KeyError: 'schedule_day'

Sorry, I still have not found a solution.

I’m also interested in this as I have a project where these radiators are already installed.

Sorry if I cause false excitement by posting here as I’m not here with answers, but I too am interested in this as I’m trying to figure out which radiators to buy - it’s currently a bit chilly here with no working radiators as our wet system was taken out in April and I’ve not yet decided on which electric rads to use.

My electrician recommended Rointe, but I’m keen to have local control (as a backup t.b.h. I’m researching this but assume by default they use the cloud) and Home Assistant integrations.
(I’d also love to use Matter (Thread for bonus points!), but that’s not essential).

I emailed Rointe with questions about integrations a few weeks ago (3rd Nov) but no reply as of 16 days later, which isn’t a great sign just re their general customer support (I’ll ping a chase email now).

(if anyone is using a more than one make of radiator and can recommend an alternative, I’d welcome such a recommendation!)

Hello Guys, Im facing the same problem.

It worked for me for until I added a second Radiator to the app. Would be wonderful to have some solutions as winter is coming! :rofl: :rofl:

I did try to re-install the integration
I did try to re-add the radiator to the app

Rointe came back to me. Basically, (1) they won’t support a firmware downgrade unless the radiator is faulty, and (2) they won’t engage in discussion about API access. A real shame.

Thats a shame, HA is the only reason i got the radiators… their app is terrible

Same problem! It was working last winter, now it’s not working. I’ve raise an issue in the GitHub - tggm/rointe-hacs: A HACS repo for the Home Assistant Rointe Integration, but it seems that there is no activity there since December 2023. I get this message “Waiting on integrations to complete setup” and goes nowhere.