Roku integration problems

I don’t know when this started (perhaps with the latest version of HA) but I am no longer able to communicate with 2 of my 4 TCL/Roku TVs. The error I am seeing looks like this.

Two other Roku TVs work fine as before.

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Same here. Mine updated this morning to version 14.1.4.

Same here. One Roku still works while the livingroom one - of course - the one we use the most - has the exact error you are showing. I did find this info:

Known limitations

Roku has been known to remove or restrict local control functionality as part of major Roku OS upgrades. As such devices may become less functional after an upgrade.

I very much appreciate the information.

So now the question - how and what is the fix?

I did notice, while typing this comment, HA - the Roku integration, cycles through automatically trying to configure then fails.

Appreciate any and all help!

issue →

the fix → Settings → System → Advanced system settings → Control by mobile apps → Network access

Thanks Petro for the answer.


Where is that found? If I go to Settings->System there is no Advanced System Settings

In the Roku thing somewhere, they changed a setting to change access of things like HA. This one is all ROKU.

At least I believe that’s what happened.

I heard one other user that had the problem and he said he pulled the stick, restarted HA, then plugged the Roku back in and it cleared. I have no proof of any of this as I’m not a user.

Here’s what the other guy said was his experience:

Then later…

funny enough, I rebooted the roku and it was happy again lol.
always try the good ol reboot first.

@Sir_Goodenough Thanks! On the Roku, changed the Control by mobile apps → Network access setting to Enabled and it now works with HA.