So I did the update to ESP 1.14.
After doing that, almost all esphome devices are shown as offline.
They still react in Home Assistant, but is shown as offline in ESPHome.
They are all configured as dynamic IP.
I’ve started converting them to static IP, and with a static IP they are all online (I can still do OTA via esphome in HA)
I’ve gone through most of the entities now, and changed it to static IP’s, but the entities still shows as offline., but they can still show logs in the interface, so they are indeed online.
Ok, I updated to 1.14.2
It’s better than before, but not really as rocksolid as 1.13.6
I’ve just been told that the coffemachine is now off (it has been off for a long while), but weird things happen.
I think some of it is because they actually need to be powercycled after being updated
It does look like it’s better, but the ESPHome interface is taking forever to show them as online (if they ever show as green), but they can show the logfiles, so I guess they are online.
@DasBootU96 how do I use the mdns chrome plugin to check that?
For a Windows (10) machine, make sure it is on the same subnet as your ESP nodes. Install Chrome, then install the mdns-browser extension and run it. Sort by IP.
In the Wifi AP I can lookup the ESP leases for ESPHome modules and check if they announce themselves using mdns in the mdns browser.
For me, ESP32 with ESPHome 1.14.2 do not announce mdns and as a result I can not update and showing logfiles takes ages, but ESP8266 with ESPHome 1.14.2 work perfectly fine. And ESP32 with previous ESPHome 1.13.6 builds also announce mdns and work just fine without issues.
The RF Bridge shows this, I’ve done a ‘clean’ and a ‘compile’ but no change:
Linking /data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/firmware.elf
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib90f/[email protected](ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o): In function `AsyncClient::_s_recv(void*, tcp_pcb*, pbuf*, long)':
ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient7_s_recvEPvP7tcp_pcbP4pbufl+0x4): multiple definition of `AsyncClient::_s_recv(void*, tcp_pcb*, pbuf*, long)'
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib67a/libESPAsyncTCP_ID305.a(ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o):ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient7_s_recvEPvP7tcp_pcbP4pbufl+0x10): first defined here
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib90f/[email protected](ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o): In function `AsyncClient::_s_sent(void*, tcp_pcb*, unsigned short)':
ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient7_s_sentEPvP7tcp_pcbt+0x4): multiple definition of `AsyncClient::_s_sent(void*, tcp_pcb*, unsigned short)'
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib67a/libESPAsyncTCP_ID305.a(ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o):ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient7_s_sentEPvP7tcp_pcbt+0x10): first defined here
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib90f/[email protected](ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o): In function `AsyncClient::_s_error(void*, long)':
ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient8_s_errorEPvl+0x4): multiple definition of `AsyncClient::_s_error(void*, long)'
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib67a/libESPAsyncTCP_ID305.a(ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o):ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient8_s_errorEPvl+0xc): first defined here
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib90f/[email protected](ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o): In function `AsyncClient::_s_poll(void*, tcp_pcb*)':
ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient7_s_pollEPvP7tcp_pcb+0x4): multiple definition of `AsyncClient::_s_poll(void*, tcp_pcb*)'
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib67a/libESPAsyncTCP_ID305.a(ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o):ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClient7_s_pollEPvP7tcp_pcb+0x10): first defined here
/data/sonoff_rfbridge_1/.pioenvs/sonoff_rfbridge_1/lib90f/[email protected](ESPAsyncTCP.cpp.o): In function `AsyncClient::AsyncClient(tcp_pcb*)':
ESPAsyncTCP.cpp:(.text._ZN11AsyncClientC2EP7tcp_pcb+0x30): multiple definition of `AsyncClient::AsyncClient(tcp_pcb*)'
Ok, that is this issue
Just removing the webserver fixed that, and it can be added after the first compile (where it knows it has the 1.2.0 of AsyncTCP already).
And now everything is green again on 1.13.6, so I guess 1.14 is not for me yet. Please let me know if you are on 1.14.x when it works perfectly.
Having never used a Fritz!Boz before, I do see there is an option to telnet in and enable full multicast support on the whole network. Maybe it is worth to test it with v1.14.x even though you do not need it for v1.13.6 ?