Rollback procedure

i just updated to the 0.28.2 and many components stop working: command line switches, RF switches, Zwave…

does anybody know a rollback procedure? i had the 0.27.2 and worked fine, thanks


Alternatively, HA Community can help fix your config.


Rolling back is not the answer… You really should not be stuck on an old version because you are having some configuration problems which may be a simple fix. For instance, command_line switches have been changed in 0.28 to use “command_on” and “command_off”, so instead of downgrading, you need to find out what is causing the components to stop working. In the case of command_line switches, you have to make that change to your configuration or else all of them will stop working.

There is a new update like every 2 weeks I think, so if you start going backwards, you are going to miss out on all the new features, when all it may take is a little time working with the people in the forums to resolve your current issues.

Making minor changes to accommodate updating from a single version higher than your current is easier than deciding later that you want the latest version only to find you are like 10 versions behind because you went backward months ago, and so many things may have changed at that point that you end up having to start from scratch or spend a LONG time trying to completely change your configuration to work with the newest version.


I agree with jbardi. Don’t roll back. Check your log file, see what it is telling you is wrong, and try to fix it. The log errors are usually pretty good and can sometimes even tell you exactly where in your config there is a problem. If you hit a wall, post up your log and config here and people will be able to help you out.

I’ve gone through quite a few “breaking” releases that require me to change how I have some things set up. It’s just part of using young and in-development software. But none of them have been completely debilitating and I’ve usually been able to get things running again rather quickly after checking here.

normally i fix everything after an upgrade, but this new version broke almost everything and I won’t have free time to deal with it on the upcoming weeks, if you know a quick rollback procedure will be much appreciated.

sudo pip3 install homeassistant==0.27.2