I wanted to avoid starting another thread on the subject of roller blind and sun automation, but I just can’t get the right result.
My conditions:
- Roller Blind should be closed when it is dark
- Roller Blind should be open when it is bright
- be able to see the complete sunrise
- be able to see the complete sunset
I have now clicked together several autmations via GUI and none was good enough. The sunset automations were always triggered when the sun was not yet fully down. So I could not see the whole sunset. It was the other way around with the sunrise. Here too, my previous automations were always too early, but rather too late.
My last attempt was to work with an offset but this is apparently also difficult to estimate. I would like to have an automation that always works, so in all four seasons.
Here is my last attempt:
alias: BlindUpBySunUp
description: ''
- platform: sun
event: sunrise
offset: '-00:30:00'
condition: []
- device_id: 371085df03025174f783997aa1fcb5ab
domain: cover
entity_id: cover.cover_kue
type: set_position
position: 100
mode: single
I suppose it would be useful to work with azimuth or elevation, but I don’t know which value to use to meet my conditions.
Greetings by JamieMe