I’d be happy, if you could assist on how to decide between Wifi or Zigbee to use for roller shutters, because I’m still unsure about the up- and downsides of each technology and what to take into account to decide.
Furthermore I’d be interested, if someone wants to share experiences with Loratap modules. I have tested with Shelly yet, it seems to me they are kind of a broadly used standard. The Loratap are a bit cheaper to get.
The main difference between Zigbee and Wi-Fi lies in their use and design. Zigbee is optimized for low power consumption and reliable communication over short distances between many devices. It is ideal for creating a seamless network of smart devices that require little data to function and are battery powered.
WiFi, with its high power consumption and ability to handle large amounts of data, is better suited for devices that require intensive data transmissions.
I have decided now to go with Zigbee modules of Loratap, since I wanted to keep the power consumption as low as possible, out of a basic principle, to save energy. Hence, I haven’t calculated it yet, my guess is, that with e.g. 8 such modules over a year, it is a recognizable cost.
I am quite interested to learn, how the Loratap modules will do in their application. If someone is interested, I am happy to share experiences. In case, let me know, what would be of interest.