Ive got some Shelly 2 PM controlling my roller shutters. But some of them have very poor WIFI connection.
So sometimes the closing failures, because the device does not respond.
So I searched a bit and found a piece of code trying to do something until the desired state is reached.
I changed this to a testing script, closing one roller shutter and added a telegram message, when a try is executed.
For testing I just unplugged the Shelly2PM and ran the script.
In my very first execution the script aborted, but in mental derangement I update HA and restarted before copying the errorcode. It was something like device didnt response Error.
I now just wanted to reproduce the error, so I unplugged my Shelly ran the script and tada - everything works. I waited some minutes and plugged it back in and the roller shutter closed (after some time).
So can some1 maybe guess what the error was? And why it dit occor? So maybe there is an error in my script?
alias: AAA Rolladen Test
- repeat:
- action: notify.telegramflorian
metadata: {}
message: versuch
- action: cover.close_cover
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: cover.rolladen_lager_1
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 30
milliseconds: 0
- condition: or
- condition: state
entity_id: cover.rolladen_lager_1
state: closed
- condition: template
value_template: repeat.index > 60
enabled: true
description: ""