Rollershutter / Temperature Sensors and Homebridge

Hi. I am very new in the forum. My goal is to open and close the rollershutters via Siri or over the new Home App (IOS 10). (My vision is to say open rollershutter to 20% over Siri)

In Home Assistant i use the component for Vera Plus (not more use the USB Stick ZWave) to use the Fibaro Shutter (FGRM-222).

In Home Assistant i can see the Fibaro Shutters (2x) on the Dashboard as “Cover” and i can use it in the Browser without problems (arrows open / close).

Homebridge is installed (and well configurated) and things like some Switches will be shown in Home App and i can use them with Siri.

My problem is that the Rollershutters (and a few Temperature Sensors) will not be shown in Homebridge.

I use to make a Switch (to use it in Home App) in the config file with:

platform: command_line
friendly_name: Rollade
command_on: cover.open_cover.roller_shutter
command_off: cover.close_cover.roller_shutter

but it dont execute… i think the commands are not right… i search now about 4h in the forum but found no solution.

I dont know how can i find a solution for this problem. Can u please help me.

I hope you don’t mind me asking, how did you install the homebridge as I have had trouble getting it installed on a raspberry pi 3.

that was easy: (had no problems)


Sorry I didn’t reply sooner I have been trying to get homebridge working from the URLs you gave me.
I got it to start manually all worked after a while and reboot the pi to see if the systemd auto start works.
No got problems tried to start manually again and a DNS error this time.

[10/2/2016, 4:17:40 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Eliott Bed Fan’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Down Stairs All Off’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Master Bedroom Alarm’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Office Fan’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Landing Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Dining Light 2’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Sally Bed Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Master Bed Fan’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Hall Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Master Bed Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Cams Bed Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Fairy Lights’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Porch Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Eliott Bed Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Reading Light’…
[10/2/2016, 4:17:41 PM] [HomeAssistant] Initializing platform accessory ‘Dining Light 1’…
Scan this code with your HomeKit App on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

│ 031-45-154 │

dns_sd.DNSServiceRegister(self.serviceRef, flags, ifaceIdx, name,

Error: dns service error: name conflict
at Error (native)
at new Advertisement (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/hap-nodejs/node_modules/mdns/lib/advertisement.js:56:10)
at Object.create [as createAdvertisement] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/hap-nodejs/node_modules/mdns/lib/advertisement.js:64:10)
at Advertiser.startAdvertising (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/Advertiser.js:43:30)
at Bridge.Accessory._onListening (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/Accessory.js:526:20)
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
at HAPServer.emit (events.js:169:7)
at HAPServer._onListening (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/HAPServer.js:184:8)
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
at EventedHTTPServer.emit (events.js:169:7)

Not sure what to do now. Any help if you can.

Seems like a configuration problem in config.json

Change the Name or Port of the Bridge. And restart again.

I hope it helps, i am only beginner and have Raspberry since 4 days.

Thanks I will try.

Two reasons why Homebridge may not be discoverable:

Homebridge server thinks it’s been paired with, but iOS thinks otherwise. Fix: deleted persist/ directory which is next to your config.json.

iOS device has gotten your Homebridge username (looks like a MAC address) “stuck” somehow, where it’s in the database but inactive. Fix: change your username in the “bridge” section of config.json to be some new value.

I would also like to add some sensors (i.e. temperature/heater) to homebridge. I also have the same setup as you. I think they need to be ported from home assistant to homebridge via the homebridge-homeassistant plugin.

What is strange is that currently it’s listed as rollershutters being exposed and working. Not sure why yours isn’t showing up in homekit.

Hi @fastender
I just got Homebridge working at last. I am not sure how to do the remote access set on the iPhone/iPad i think it wants two factor authentication set up , But that will stop my iCloud tracking. So i will give up on remote access i still have HA to do the work.

Thanks for your help.

there will be a new update


Nice! Any idea on how to update homebridge? This will be my first time

npm update -g homebridge

for more Information:

So I assume updating the homeassistant plugin is:

npm update -g homebridge-homeassistant

To upgrade the All-In-One setup manually:

Login to Raspberry Pi ssh pi@your_raspberry_pi_ip
Change to hass user sudo su -s /bin/bash hass
Change to virtual enviroment source /srv/hass/hass_venv/bin/activate
Update HA pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant
Type exit to logout the hass user and return to the pi user.


No, I’m referring to the homebridge-homeassistant plugin:

Or is it automatically updated when you update Home Assistant?


npm update -g homebridge


npm update -g homebridge-homeassistant

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