Room / Area humidity and temporature sensor?

Ahhh, well aliexpress has tons of these little vented boxes, so i’m sure you can find something!

Basic shopping list for a simple multi sensor:

Wire it up and cram it all in your box, flash with esphome, then OTA the final esphome program. My basic code is shown below. Key points: I needed to drop the esp radio output power to keep the motion sensors from blowing up with false positives. I also have the motion on D0 and am pulling it down in an attempt to stop the false positives. I’m now thinking this is not needed though. I’m also averaging values to normalize the output. And i found i needed to calibrate my DHT’s to get accurate temp readings.

Hope this helps!

  name: esphome_multi_sensor_$devicename
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2
  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  output_power: 10dB

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "ESPHome Hotspot"
    password: "OC8g3Q4915g8"


# Enable I2C bus for light sensor

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: !secret wifi_password

  password: !secret wifi_password
# Binary Sensors

  - platform: status
    name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Sensor Status
  - platform: gpio
      number: D0
      mode: INPUT_PULLDOWN_16
    name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Motion
    device_class: motion
        - light.turn_on: module_led
        - delay: 2s
        - light.turn_off: module_led
      - delayed_off: 15s
      - delayed_on: 30ms

# Sensors
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Sensor WiFi Signal
    update_interval: 120s

  - platform: uptime
    name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Sensor Uptime
      - lambda: return x / 3600;
    unit_of_measurement: "h"

  - platform: bh1750
    name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Illuminance
    update_interval: 60s
    resolution: 1.0
      - median:
          window_size: 5
          send_every: 5
          send_first_at: 2
  - platform: dht
    model: DHT22
    pin: D6
    update_interval: 60s
      name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Temperature
        - median:
            window_size: 5
            send_every: 5
            send_first_at: 2
        - calibrate_linear:
          - 0.0 -> 0.0
          - 25.5 -> 24.4
      name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Humidity
        - median:
            window_size: 5
            send_every: 5
            send_first_at: 2
# Switches
  - platform: restart
    name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Sensor Restart

  - platform: monochromatic
    name: ESPHome - $friendlyname Sensor Status LED
    output: pin_D4
    id: module_led
    default_transition_length: 0ms
    internal: True

  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: pin_D4
    pin: D4
    inverted: true

I really like the Xiaomi temp/humidity/pressure sensors. You can get them at Aliexpress. They work very well with deCONZ and the USB Conbee II. Super easy to configure. And the batteries last a very long time. I think you can get a pack of 4 for something like USD$45.

I can smell a little new project emerging :star_struck: never worked with the esp8266 before except from trying to flash a blitzwolf plug (need to solder the pins in order to get it going) Tried some clips like these clips but no avail, gonna need to solder…

That’s why I like the nodemcu over the wemos d1 mini. It’s bigger, but I don’t have to solder anything.

Here’s a pick of one opened up:

I like the ESP ideas, but a little too DIY for me, right now. :wink:

Certainly going to give this a shot - I have Hues (only Zigbee devices we have), but would be nice to centralize these a bit.

Several of you have mentioned Xiaomi, but I’m having trouble actually finding (or understanding?) them. The model mentioned by @bigramon, LLKZMK11LM, is a controller? Their Amazon product page is not an LLKMZ11LM. It also says a Aqara Hub is required - is this what ConBee 2 will be supplementing?

I’m like the approach of MQTT - so I’ll either do zigbee2mqtt or go for Shelly H&T.

To recap this thread, the different levels of DIY are (most → least): ESPHome → Ziaomi + deCONZ/zigbee2mqtt → Shelly H&T → Wireless Tags (wifi, network polling), SmartThings sensors (e.g. Inovelli and Aeotec - Z-Wave).

Xiaomi has 3 temperature/humidity sensors :

WSDCGQ01LM Xiaomi MiJia temperature & humidity sensor (temperature and humidity)


WSDCGQ11LM Xiaomi Aqara temperature, humidity and pressure sensor (temperature, humidity and pressure)


WSDCGQ12LM Xiaomi Aqara temperature, humidity and pressure sensor (temperature, humidity and pressure)


I don’t know the difference between the last two. But all work with zigbee2mqtt or deconz without having the Xiaomi hub.

The H&T will report back when the temp and/or humidity changes. You can set as to how much. Other than that it sleeps and does not report in (that’s how it saves battery). I’ve had mine for about 2 weeks and I have it sent to report back when there is a 1 degree or 1 percent change so I can get as much data as possible. It’s reporting via MQTT.

Here is a bit of a graph.



One more thing on this one:

  • deCONZ has better support than Hue on – 3rd party software? Or even with Philips Hue bulbs, too?

Did you move your Hue bulbs to deCONZ, too? Or left them on Hue bridge? I’m debating on this step right now.

I migrated all my Philips bulbs to deconz and never looked back. I even sold the hue hub now.

It’s said that it’s better to separate ZLL (lights such as the Philips) and ZHA (sensors such as the Xiaomi ones, switches like the Ikea ones etc.) devices on a separate mesh, however I din’t have any issue running them on the same mesh for the last 2 years or so.

Another vote for the Xiaomi Aqara sensors here. I’ve got four of them, work flawlessly, rather accurate too.


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Everything except the one ESPHome sensor I played with, is on Deconz here. I still have my Hue hub, it’s in a bag of unused electronics. Really should try and sell it…

Better support on devices. Just check the list on the github:

Though I even got devices running not on that list, like a 5m Osram outdoor ledstrip I found on ibood for 40€, or a remote from iCasa (only 8/12 buttons working at the time) but I see there are more iCasa devices on the github page now… might need to try it again.

Another great advantage is the Conbee/deconz has no ‘phone home’, like other hubs, that upload all statistics to the company servers…

PS: if you’re looking for good remotes, try the ones from Ikea, the round one, it’s only 15€ I think, and sometimes when you look for a ‘pack’ of let’s say 2 bulbs and a remote you get an extra discount. I combined those bulbs with a few ikea motion sensors for the hallway. Nobody forgets to turn of the light anymore…

EDIT: I thought of one negative thing to say on Deconz, after scratching my head for a solid 5 minutes at least > currently there’s a bug in which not all devices are detected by HA after a reboot. Something to do with HA booting faster then Deconz has all devices online. I only reboot once in about 2 months, doing updates. There’s a workaround, you can simply re-add the plugin, takes about 2 minutes. All remotes and bulbs keep working, if you put them all in Deconz.

Just so you know it has ‘something’ negative… I mean ask anyone here > nobody regrets switching to Deconz.

Found two devices… WSDCGQ11LM and WSDCGQ12LM but what is the difference between them?

It’s only a new version? If yes, is the 2nd version better than v1?

Look at @francisp’ s post above, #25: Room / Area humidity and temporature sensor?

FYI, I’m playing with the Aqara sensors. They’re pretty small. So far so good. Using deCONZ (for now?). I’m not a fan of how deCONZ is very “light” targeted, e.g. bugs you to add lights anytime you log in, can’t put sensors in a group. But it does connect with the Aqara and HA without issue.

Yes, found this, too. But an explanation about the difference of both devices is missing…

Google ‘WSDCGQ11LM WSDCGQ12LM difference’ returns nothing (except this topic and the zigbee2mqtt docs)

Why do you need to put sensors in a group in the Phoscon interface? How is this useful?

add some lights then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: no seriously, I only login to Phoscon to add new devices, why do youneed to open it often?

I kept viewing “groups” as “rooms” - that’s why.

True true. My thought as well. Once it’s in HA, I don’t really need to go into Phoscon much.

View your bulbs (and/or plugs) as groups. I have multiple groups per room, some lights are in more then one group. You can add as much ‘sensors’ or switches per group as you like. :grinning: Tomatos Tomatoes

I’m super late with the reply but it might be helpful when you find this thread in google.

The WSDCGQ12LM Version works with Zigbee 3.0 while the older version uses a older Zigbee protocol. Probably Zigbee HA.

If possible always buy the Zigbee 3.0 version since they are compatible with older Zigbee versions.


I have the new AQARA M2 Hub, but I can not find the new temperature sensors WSDCGQ12LM anywhere. Any idea where to buy them? I tried Ali and Ebay but no lock, only older models available.