I put up two instances of room-assistant - one on an RPi3 and on on the Intel NUC running the main system. After many hours of messing around with router and access point settings I realised that these these devices were causing significant interference on the 2GHz WiFi network.
Has anyone else experienced this? I’m guessing it is due to it using an excessive amount of Bluetooth, but I can’t seem to find anyone else having the problem. Access point is a Unifi AC Lite.
I tried “monitor” which is a bluetooth LE based script for presence detection - ran it on a Pi Zero - awful - the Bluetooth and 2.4Gh wifi on the pizero clashed massively.
( I also have zigbee running as well, just to mess up 2.4Ghz.)
Yeah I tried Monitor and didn’t get on with that either. I don’t have Zigbee though and I run both the Pi and the NUC on wired connections so I was hoping that interference wouldn’t be an issue.
It was using the bluetoothClassic mode though, so maybe the bluetoothLowEnergy integration will work better.
how far are they each other (pi and NUC). If they more trhen 10 meters should not be a problem. If less then 10 meters why keep 2 instances, one is enough
Probably about 10m, one downstairs and one in a bedroom upstairs. The point of room-assistant though is that it is using many instances to determine room occupation, so they should be able to deal with being a few meters apart, I would have hoped?
well I hope for a Zwave solution. Zigbee-WiFi-Bluetooth they are all in the same spectrum, once you start to have many devices is always problematic.
Zwave prices should come significantly down in the following months, I plan to use only Zwave for domotics, and the Wifi just for computers and cameras
I had problems also. Not as extreem as you. I have bought an extra unifi AP and disabled 2.4ghz Al together. Running only wifi ac 5ghz now. And I have a rpi3 running only Bluetooth, both classic and ble. About 50cm from my conbee2 stick and a hue bridge. Having no problems atm.
Hue on channel 20, conbee on channel 11. This is the best choice for me and my neighbour’s wifi.