Room-assistant, where are the entity_id?

Hi, I installed now room-assistant.

On two HASSIO installation with the add-on (a NUC and a pi3), plus an additional pi3 without HASSIO (just raspbian)

Below the configuration of the 3 instances (for each of the 3 I use a differenet instancename).

In the log no error … but which are the entity_id, I do not see any

  instanceName: guest
    - homeAssistant
    - bluetoothClassic
  mqttUrl: 'mqtt://'
    username: xxxxx
    password: xxxxx
    - '7C:D6:61xxxxxxx
    - '78:02:xxxxxxxx1'
    - '68:E7:CxxxxxxC'
    - '48:4B:AA:xxxxxxxx'
    - '24:AD:7xxxxxxxx'
    - '04:52:F3:xxxxxxxxx6'
    - 'C4:98:8xxxxxxx'

below the log in one of the two HASSIO addon

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[14:08:32] ERROR: Got unexpected response from the API: Service not enabled
[14:08:32] INFO: Starting room-assistant
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
5/2/2020, 2:08:56 PM - info - IntegrationsModule: Loading integrations: home-assistant, bluetooth-classic
5/2/2020, 2:08:58 PM - info - NestFactory: Starting Nest application...
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: AppModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: ConfigModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: NestEmitterModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: IntegrationsModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: DiscoveryModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: HomeAssistantModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: ClusterModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: ScheduleModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: BluetoothClassicModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - InstanceLoader: EntitiesModule dependencies initialized
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - RoutesResolver: EntitiesController {/entities}:
5/2/2020, 2:09:00 PM - info - RouterExplorer: Mapped {/, GET} route
5/2/2020, 2:09:01 PM - info - HomeAssistantService: Successfully connected to MQTT broker at mqtt://
5/2/2020, 2:09:01 PM - info - ConfigService: Loading configuration from /usr/lib/node_modules/room-assistant/dist/config/definitions/default.js, config/local.json
5/2/2020, 2:09:03 PM - info - ClusterService: Starting mDNS advertisements and discovery
5/2/2020, 2:09:03 PM - info - NestApplication: Nest application successfully started

Do you have Discovery enabled in the MQTT integration? Did you check under Developer Tools -> States for entities? If you go to Configuration -> Integrations -> MQTT do you see any device/entity that could be related to Room-Assistant?

I just had to wait, they populated after some time.

BTW its NOT accurate in my case, monitor works, this not. Perhaps the 2 program cannot coexist?

I don’t know,I only use Room-Assistant and I only use Bluetooth Low Energy and this has been rock solid for over 2 years.

smartphone what are they BLE? What is the class BluetoothClassic, BLE or other??

Which devices are you using as beacon?

Smartphones are Bluetooth Classic. BLE is Bluetooth Low Energy. BLE devices normally send a signal every x seconds and Room-Assistant picks up the signals and based on the strwngth of the signal it determines in which room you are.

I use Nut Minis attached to our keys and Xiaomi Mi Bands.

SO I guess BLE room-assistant works well, because for BluetootClassic is a disaster, all wrong values.

Can you please share yuour config file?

My config file will not help you if you don’t use BLE, I don’t have any Bluetooth Classic devices.
Anyway I wrote a guide how I set up my Presence Detection System, there’s a chapter only for Room-Assistant here.

Sorry that I’m hijacking the thread but I just found it and I read in your github for your presence detection.

I recently bought two tiles (right now I have just one configured) and went over from bluetoothClassic to bluetoothLowEnergy. I configured as I said one of the but I’m not getting the results I want.

Yesterday when I was playing with it I had a lot of false not_home states, today after som changes it is better but not yet really stable.

Do you have that with the nut minis too? I’m wondering if the tiles was the right choice or not.

Here some screeshots on the states from yesterday and under the night:


My configuration right now is the following:

  timeout: 15
  maxDistance: 10
    - 1x2x3x4x5x6x
      name: Keys

And my original posts in the add-on thread:

The Nut Minis work fine here, but I don’t connect them to the app ever. As soon as it is connected to the app, it doesn’t send out a BLE signal anymore, could be that the tiles are somehow similar in this regard. Did you ever subscribe to the topic in MQTT directly and check the output there? This way you can see how often the sensor updates and adjust the timeout time accordingly. Also how did you determine maxDistance? I stood with the BLE inside the room in different positions and noticed all the distances, then I added a bit safety on top.

Ok, actually I read somewhere that something similar happens with tiles too, so you are right, though I don’t see so big difference between having the BT off in my phone and having it on. I read even that tiles connects to other phones that have the app, so even if I don’t have the app maybe others near me have it. So I guess the best would be if I the tile was not activated in the app at all, but now it’s done.

Yes I subscribe to the topic to investigate the behaviour of the tile but I’m not so sure about the update frequency, seemed so random to me. The same with the not_home states, not really a pattern on them either.

The truth is that I didn’t really did anything special with the maxDistance. I wanted to get rid first of the false not_home so i had maxDistance 10 in all the nodes.