Hello, I’m trying to use room-card for my new dashboard. I have sensor for battery in my thermostat. One weird thing is that in developer tools I can see two states (on/off) which indicates if battery is low or not. But if I open up the device and click on entity I can see two different states (Normal/Low). How is that possible?
I want to show Normal/Low in my dashboard, but for now I can only see Off/On
I tried to use something like this:
value_template: >-
{% if states('binary_sensor.0x0c4314fffe63a974_battery_low') == 'off' %}
{% elif states('binary_sensor.0x0c4314fffe63a974_battery_low') == 'on' %}
{% endif %}
Which works in developer tools, but not on my room-card. I also tried to create a binary_sensor in configuration.yaml and use it in room-card, that also does not work