Room cube multi-sensor


I can’t remember when or why I signed up for this, but I have been working on a project that led me back here.

I currently use Domoticz for home automation, and I have a few ESP8266 nodes running ESPeasy.

This project was intended to tidy up the sensors in a room (bedroom, living room, etc.) so that I didn’t have Wemos D1 Minis lying around with wires dangling off them

My plan was to integrate the following items:
Pushbutton switch
Light sensor

I’ve almost got it done, so it’s time to post about it in case anyone is interested, and in case I need help.

Here is a picture of the finished unit. It is a cube of about 45mm to a side, modelled on a pocket LED projector I bought a while ago. I have kept the same dimensions and tried to cram all the things inside.

These are the guts of the unit. The operation will be obvious to those skilled in the art. I haven’t done anything clever, just fit a bunch of components into a tasteful enclosure.

The display is a 1.5" square 128x128 pixel OLED module driven by an SSD1327 chip, and this is where I got stuck. ESPeasy does not yet have support for this display, but ESPeasy does play nicely with domoticz. ESPhome does support this display, and ESPhome plays nicely with Home Assistant.

I’ll post another photo later when the whole thing is assembled. The 3D model has changed a little bit- the LDR is on the other side, and it’s now in two pieces after I realised that building one inside the cramped confines of the cube would be a challenge and building four would be Right Out.

In terms of software, ESPhome fails to connect to wifi if the screen is connected. I’ve filed a bug report, but I’m confident that all of the sensors will work in the fullness of time.

I’ll post the 3D printing files and ESPhome configuration and assembly notes later.

I should add that when I started this I was not aware of the BRUH multisensor. I suppose this is very similar.


I think I have finally finished the design, with all the elements in the right place, and a repeatable construction method.

My first design had everything assembled inside the cube, and I imagined wiring everything up in situ and attaching the front panel. I’m only going to make four of these for various rooms, but even that seemed quite daunting.

So, as you can see, I have a two-part assembly. The cube is basically an outer shell, and the components are assembled onto a frame or chassis that is inserted into the shell. There is no PCB. Everything is free-form on the chassis.

I’ve also added a support arm for a 3mm IR LED in the gap next to the OLED display, so the cube could be used to control infrared devices in the room.

I’ve printed both parts in matte white filament on a Creality Ender 3 V2. The shell is printed with 0.12mm layers and the chassis is printed with 0.2mm layers, but it’s not really important, just whatever looks nice.

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that design is looking nice. Will love to see how the sensors will be placed in that chasis!
Do you plan on making this modular so other people can add their own sensors like dust sensors and such?

Hi there. Thanks for your comments. I plan to release the 3D model as-is. It’s done in OpenSCAD, so it is easy to modify, but I do not plan to make any further modifications myself. I started out with a noble design goal of making the model parameterised and tidy, but that’s no longer the case. It’s ugly, but practical.
The software is also not-quite-there. I am using ESPhome, but occasionally the wifi will not connect, and the software crashes. However, at the time I originally started playing with this idea there was no software support at all. As time goes on I might have more choices for software, but I’m pretty happy with the hardware.