Room icons for hacs repo, looking for feedback

working on some new room icons for HACS custom brand icons and looking for some feed back, these of course will not be usable on the to nav bar due to design but are aimed at using as icon for a button for nav on front page.
Living room


Kids Room


still got to add conservitry to complete the set


Love them! The kitchen and bedroom especially look like my rooms lol!

If you’re looking for suggestions, Office, Game Room/Den, and outside (like a deck, backyard, etc), and entryway (front of the house, front door with lights, etc) That’s what I have been most missing in my dashboard.

Overall, nicely rendered!

front door will be covered by porch one, office is 100% a good one to include and could probably tie game room with that… garden, drive way and one for both are already done and in the repo.




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Icons are great.
1 . These icons have a lot of tiny details which are not visible when an icon is like 24x24px.
2 . These icons represent someone’s real design of rooms, entrance etc. I myself prefer:
– either very abstract icons (like a “mdi:car” - this is a car which may be “Toyota” or “Kia” or “Brabant” or whatever);
– or images of my real rooms etc.

There are many stock photos of bedrooms, kitchens etc in Internet. Never believed that someone really uses them for their HA which is, let’s say, very personal staff.

thanks for my feed back, I did mention in the post that they are for a home screen and to be used as path shortcuts, meaning will probably be about 96 by 96 or more and should be fine. I do appreciate the feedback though

Probably there is a way which may be great too.
Assume there is a simple way to create personal icons for rooms etc based on real pictures.
(sorry for my broken English)
I mean - I have photos of my apartment (house, garage, garden, …) and I may create icons following some tutorial.


how i picture them in use

most are done and i will add more over time.

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It’s a post from 2022.
but last message is “will post more over the time”
Wonder if there are more?