Room Scene Selector - Use button presses, motion sensors, and optional hold actions for efficient automation

This blueprint allows you to automate scene selection and manage lights efficiently using button presses, motion sensors, and optional hold actions. It replaced a few dozen automatons for my single button scene selection with few bells and whistles. It’s highly opinionated but I still hope someone finds it useful.

Here are the features and inputs required to get started:


  1. Scene Selection: Use a button device to cycle through scenes.

  2. Light Management: Turn off lights in selected areas or specific lights on a double press.

  3. Automatic Turn Off: Configure a delay to turn off lights automatically.

  4. Occupancy Monitoring: Use a motion sensor to monitor room occupancy and turn off lights after a specified duration.


  • Scene Selection Helper: Input helper for scene IDs.

  • Button Devices: Button devices for triggering scene selection.

  • Target Areas for Light Control: Areas to turn off lights on a double press.

  • Target Lights for Control: Specific lights to turn off on a double press or automatically.

  • Automatic Turn Off Delay: Delay before lights turn off automatically.

  • Hold Action: Optional automation or script to execute on a hold action.

  • Motion Sensor: Sensor to monitor occupancy.

  • Motion Sensor Duration: Time for the motion sensor to stay clear to turn off the lights.


  • Single Press: Cycle to the next scene and activate it.

  • Double Press: Turn off lights in the target areas or specified lights.

  • Hold: Execute the optional hold automation, script or scene

  • Occupancy: Turn off lights when no motion is detected for the specified duration.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Blog post & Gist: Home Assistant Blueprint: Room Scene Selector | Vladimir Cvetić | Vault of Vital Nonsense


How does this work? Sorry for maybe asking the obvious, but I currently use node-red to do all my light automations, but I want to switch to native HA. And this blueprint is exactly something I was looking for.

And is it possible to switch the button press? as i’m used to Hold to turn off and double press for special action. Would be great if I could swap them, so everyone does not need learn to use the light again.

  • Scene Selection Helper: Input helper for scene IDs

Go to devices, helpers and then create helper. Select input helper as option. There you can create a list of strings (new input text fields). This is the docs: Input select - Home Assistant
Then just create a list of scene id’s and input them there.

And is it possible to switch the button press?

Not currently, but it could be easily modified to allow for it. I’ll post updated version in next week or so.

Thanks for the explanation, ill look into it.
Also thanks for adding the option to switch button behavior.