Roomba issue

Roomba has very verbose logs, almost one row every second

i solved this with

  default: info
    roomba: warning

but there is another problem

Roomba stay always connected h24 and the Clean green led is always on
there is a way solve this? or a workaround or a way to dinamicallu disable it when not used?

this is my code

  - platform: 'roomba'
    host: !secret vacuum_host
    username: !secret vacuum_username
    password: !secret vacuum_password



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I’m having exactly the same issue. Pretty annoying if you’re used to sleep in a completely dark room.

The lights on the Roomba light up when it is in use or there is an active connection to the vacuum. HA opens an always on and active connection to the vacuum. This is the same reason why if you use the Roomba app, it will show it has connected through an internet or “cloud” connection because HA has the local connection open. Other than modifying the vacuum itself, I know of no way to turn off the lights on it.

OK… could be interesting, but i don’t know if this is possible, to have a script that enable/disable the entity.
The roomba is used only a few time in a week!

Here are some discussion about the problem. I am facing the same issue.

Just found a workaround. Should be self-explanatory :slight_smile:

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Still happening 2 years later. All LEDs are on 24/7 since connecting to home assistant.

Sorry for bumping up this dead topic but I came across it while trying to solve the “lights always on” problem so I figured I might share the outcome.

All I actually needed was the ability to start cleaning sessions every now and then. I did not really care about continuous updates on battery levels and the likes, so simply turning the integration off/on was an acceptable solution to me as long as it could be done automatically (so that I do not have to actually do it manually in the HA integrations settings before and after each cleaning session).

If that approach is of interest to anyone passing by, I installed Spook (available through HACS) which among many other things adds actions (as in stuff you can use in automations) to enable or disable integrations.
This means a cleaning automation with a Roomba vacuum may now look like so:
Enable Roomba integration -> Wait a bit -> Run a usual cleaning session -> Disable Roomba integration
(the lights turn off after a minute or so with my Roomba 6XX)

This of course is not a perfect solution (a perfect one would probably need to involve Roomba firmware developers and therefore likely require some kidnapping) but is an ok solution for my own scenario, which ultimately is just about cleaning the floor without turning my house into a matrix-inspired nightclub.

(cross posting from a home-assistant issue as I also ended up here while searching for a solution)