Roomba J7+ Integration [Help]

I am attempting to get my J7+ connected and I can’t get home assistant to even detect it. It alwasy says failed to connect so I don’t even get to the point where I can enter credentials. Is there a trick to getting the 2 talking?

I solved my problem. I was not allowing UDP traffic on my firewall. Only TCP. Once I corrected that issue, everything worked.

How would I run this in Home Assistant OS on a Proxmox Server? Is that actually running docker? Thanks.

Finally got this working!

Mac instructions:
Install NodeJS → Download | Node.js

Open ‘terminal’ on mac.
git clone https:// koalazak/dorita980.git (remove the spaces before GitHub and koala - I had to add spaces because this website makes a hyperlink of it)
→ enter
cd dorita980
→ enter
npm install

Now wait here and open up Home assistant. The next steps should be done in one ‘flow’

In home assistant:
Add the irobot and braava integration
Select your robot
You need to press the round button on your irobot for 6seconds (NOT 2SECONDS) till you hear a short melody → from now on everything should be done in this pairing mode (this pairing mode only last about 2minutes)
Home assistant will ask you for the password

Go back to terminal:
→ enter
npm run get-password-cloud
example: npm run get-password-cloud [email protected] Pass12word
→ enter

You’ll get:
Found 1 robot(s)!

Robot “Roomba” (sku: j755840 SoftwareVer: sapphire+23.37.5+2023-10-17-5245d211fc3+Firmware-Production+165):

BLID=> 81B9F2FE9SPOOF401717E9E19FC

Password=> :1:SPOOFSPOOFQq53N9UhsUg52xD <= Yes, all this string.

You need to copy this password (example: :1:SPOOFSPOOFQq53N9UhsUg52xD )

In home assistant:
Enter the password (first time i pasted the password it would not work - i tried again and BAM there it is)

Good luck!


I have issue with getting credentials. I get error:

KeyError: ‘UID’
‘qb!’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Someone has idea what could be wrong?

worked great!

Hey! I’m on Windows. Is it still the best way to get the password?

Is it safe to use this script with actual account credentials?

Got it to work. Used dorita980 on wsl. Just did sudo apt install npm. Thanks guys!

Hey, I tried to do this on my Mac mini M1. I’ve got installed Xcode, Homebrew, Node.js and dorita980.

I’m holding the button till I hear “tu do dum” (10 sec. approx), then I go to my Mac and open terminal. I put: cd dorita980 and then the get password with credentials commend. And all I get I some kind of error I don’t really understand. Can you help me with this? What am I doin wrong?

The message in terminal is:

(node:1223) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The punycode module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use node --trace-deprecation ... to show where the warning was created)
Authentication error. Please check your credentials.
callId: ‘…’,
errorCode: 403042,
errorDetails: ‘invalid loginID or password’,
errorMessage: ‘Invalid LoginID’,
apiVersion: 2,
statusCode: 403,
statusReason: ‘Forbidden’,
time: ‘2024-02-10T22:08:25.074Z’

This ain’t my first terminal interaction, by I am no expert :slight_smile:

Great topic and helpfull in getting the password. But now getting this, with my Roomba J7+ in paring mode (10seconds untill little music ring). So no luck in getting a password window that popups in HA:

I’ve got the same problem, have you found a solution?

No, stopped looking and trying again with the next HA update. Found nowhere a guide to add an username/password manually. My Roomba is detected with ip and name each time he is cleaning.

With Core 2024.2.3 the password screen suddenly pops up after the Roomba J7 is detected. Sad to say the same unknown error occured message. At least something changed.

Supervisor 2024.02.0
Operating System11.5
Frontend 20240207.1

With core 2024.2.3 my Roomba J7+ isn’t even detected anymore. :person_shrugging:

Operating System

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Yep same issue here with j5+

My J7+ no longer connects now as well. Guess I’ll be google commands for the time being.

edit: ended up just rolling back to my backup before the core update instead, we’ll see if they fix it in the next one

Update to 2024.2.4 and check whether it work. If not, create an issue and tag me.

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Found the github thread for this and just had 2024.2.4 pop up and installed it. J7+ is working. Thanks devs!

Thank you, worked with 2024.2.4

2024.3.1 Roomba not detected. Not automatically nor manually…