Roomba J7+ Integration [Help]

New to Home Assistant (haos on windows virtual box), coming over from homeseer. So far most things have been relatively simple to integrate…until this roomba j7. Being somewhat new to vision loss, screen readers, github, etc., I’m somewhat lost here. I was able to get the github clone link in and going but have run into a wall. After I change directories (cd Roomba980-Python/roomba) and am at the /roomba prompt, I enter the "python3 ‘my irobot account user name’ ‘my irobot account password’ I get (and sorry I am not able to copy and paste from the haos terminal for some reason so im paraphrasing here) through the “getting roomba info from aws cloud” to “traceback” to “Module not found error” No module named “requests”. I have no clue what that means, but I’m stumped and a bit frusterated. Especially coming from the homeseer roomba plugin that was super easy to get going by just entering my irobot login info as opposed to going through all these motions. Which, with my limitations are no fun. Any guidance is appreciated. Being able to simply enter credentials at the app start menu would be super awesome! I know these integrations are built by volunteers and I’m super appreciative of that and not meaning to come across as complaining here.

This morning, I migrated the system to new HASS hardware. It was a fresh installation, and before restoring the system backup, it automatically detected my Roomba and suggested configuring it. However, after restoring the backup, the Roomba became inaccessible again. Therefore, it can be inferred that the issue lies with one of the already installed integrations. However, there are dozens of them in my system. Therefore, finding the problem is impossible…

Love it! it worked even on Mac via Terminal!
tnx mate

Thank you! I tried so many other methods. This worked for me!

J7+ Roomba. Didn’t need it to be in Wifi pairing mode.