Rosh Chodesh sensor in Jewish Calendar

I use the jewish calendar integration a lot and would like a way to know when it is Rosh Chodesh. Ideally, I can do this by parsing the hebrew date and noticing if it is 1 or 30, however I cannot know what Rosh Chodesh it is, specifically for 30th of Cheshvan - is tomorrow Adar I or just Adar? A sensor with more detatils (None for no Rosh Chodesh vs a dict of first/second day and what month Rosh Chodesh it is) would be really nice for a lot of my automations.

Note that I don’t think Rosh Hashana should be considered Rosh Chodesh Tishrei.

Unfortunately I don’t have the answer to your question but I have a similar issue. I’d like to schedule the Yurtzaits of my Parents on the Jewish Calendar date, but so far I have not seen how to do that in HA.

+1 for me - I’d love Rosh Chodesh on my dashboard!
It would be great if this could be added optionally to the chag sensor!

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Same here I would also like to see this sensor added to be able to know when it’s Rosh Chodesh

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Would like to have this as well

@tsvi Any idea what can be done here? I am happy to contribute but am having trouble setting up my IDE…

Well, once this gets merged:

I think this should support that.

Another option would be to contribute rosh chodesh to the py-libhdate project and it will be reported as a holiday and holiday type. See here:

Hi @tsvi , I just checked and saw that the Rosh Chodesh commit was merged end of June in the Python library. Is there any way I can add this to my dashboards now?
Thanks a lot for your hard work!!

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Unfortunately not yet as this requires some more changes and breaks the current behavior where we only expect a single holiday. Since Rosh chodesh and chanukah can be the same day we can now expect a list so integrating this change into home assistant will require a little more effort.
In the meantime you can easily create a template based sensor thanks to the attributes that have been added to the date sensor. Something as follows should work:

{{state_attr(“sensor.jewish_calendar_date”, “hebrew_day”) in (1, 30) and state_attr(“sensor.jewish_calendar_date”, “hebrew_month”) != “תשרי”}}

My current effort is on creating a calendar entity in home assistant which will allow users to provide birthdays/anniversaries/yohrtzeits using the Hebrew date.

That would be wonderful as I am not (yet) comfortable using sensors and templates. Right now I created sub-calendars in my Google Calendar for the respective Yurztzait of my Parents, with complicated Automations in HA. Having a dedicated entity would be very helpful. Thanks again for this wonderful Integration.