If it can help, I use this appDaemon script:
import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
# App which set the symfonisk remote
# Args:
# [event] {string} -- Event name that will be fired (ex: deconz_event)
# [remotes] {list} -- List of the symfonisk remote id in DeconZ (ex: - symfonisk_sound_controller)
# [sonos] {list} -- List of the sonos media player to control (ex: - media_player.sonos_bathroom)
# [sources] {list} -- Name of the source to play when double clicking (ex: - 'Sonos favoris name')
# [play_shuffle] {boolean} -- Shuffle play the playlist
# Release Notes
# Version 1.2:
# Bug fixes
# Version 1.1:
# Handling volume
# Version 1.0:
# Initial Version
# Define the max time when the volume can change
# There to avoid an unlimited change when
# not receiveing stop event
# Define the interval between
# each call to change volume, smaller = faster
class DeconzSymfoniskRemote(hass.Hass):
""" [summary]
[event] {string} -- Event name that will be fired (ex: deconz_event)
[remotes] {list} -- List of the symfonisk remote id in DeconZ (ex: - symfonisk_sound_controller)
[sonos] {list} -- List of the sonos media player to control (ex: - media_player.sonos_bathroom)
[sources] {list} -- Name of the source to play when double clicking (ex: - 'Sonos favoris name')
[play_shuffle] {boolean} -- Shuffle play the playlist
def initialize(self):
if 'event' in self.args:
self.listen_event(self.handle_event, self.args['event'])
def handle_params(self):
self.event_name = "app_daemon_symfonisk"
self.sonos = self.args.get('sonos')
self.sources = self.args.get('sources')
self.remotes = self.args.get('remotes')
self.play_shuffle = self.args.get('play_shuffle', False)
self.initial_source = 0
self.volume_change = False
def handle_source(self):
selected_source = self.sources[self.initial_source]
self.initial_source += 1
if self.initial_source >= len(self.sources):
self.initial_source = 0
return selected_source
def disable_volume_change(self, kwargs):
self.log("Change volume disabled by " + kwargs["emit"])
self.volume_change = False
def handle_volume(self, kwargs):
self.log("Change volume loop " + kwargs["way"])
if self.volume_change:
self.call_service("media_player/volume_" + kwargs["way"], entity_id = self.sonos)
self.run_in(self.handle_volume, CHANGE_VOLUME_INTERVAL, way = kwargs["way"])
def handle_event(self, event_name, data, kwargs):
remote_id = data['id']
if remote_id in self.remotes:
if data['event'] == 1002:
self.log('Button simple click - toggle')
self.call_service("media_player/media_play_pause", entity_id = self.sonos)
self.fire_event(self.event_name, entity_id = self.sonos, state="click1")
elif data['event'] == 1004:
self.log('Button double click - next track')
self.call_service("media_player/media_next_track", entity_id = self.sonos)
self.fire_event(self.event_name, entity_id = self.sonos, state="click2")
elif data['event'] == 1005:
self.log('Button triple click - choose source')
if len(self.sonos) > 1:
self.call_service("sonos/join", entity_id = self.sonos, master = self.sonos[0])
self.call_service("media_player/shuffle_set", entity_id = self.sonos, shuffle = self.play_shuffle)
self.call_service("media_player/select_source", entity_id = self.sonos, source = self.handle_source())
self.fire_event(self.event_name, entity_id = self.sonos, state="click3")
elif data['event'] == 2001:
self.log('Button volume up')
self.volume_change = True
self.handle_volume({'way': 'up'})
self.run_in(self.disable_volume_change, CHANGE_VOLUME_TIME_MAX, emit = "auto vol up")
self.fire_event(self.event_name, entity_id = self.sonos, state="volup")
elif data['event'] == 3001:
self.log('Button volume down')
self.volume_change = True
self.handle_volume({'way': 'down'})
self.run_in(self.disable_volume_change, CHANGE_VOLUME_TIME_MAX, emit = "auto vol down")
self.fire_event(self.event_name, entity_id = self.sonos, state="voldown")
elif data['event'] in [2003, 3003]:
self.log('Button volume stop')
self.disable_volume_change({'emit': 'event'})
self.fire_event(self.event_name, entity_id = self.sonos, state="volstop")
self.log('Unkown action: ' + data['event'])