Roto Frank roof windows with roller shutter

Hi there,

I am renovating my house and would like to install to roof windows from Roto Frank with electric movement and roller shutter on the outside. This

There is a cabling plan for generic and for specific vendors.

The HomeMatic scheme looks like something I need. Just not sure why they use a relay
All my other blinds/venetian blinds/awnings use Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 and they work quite well. If possible, I would like to use them for this as well.

May assumption was I need 2 Roller Shutter each and wire them to the manual switches and to the windows controller unit.

According to the documentation it seems not as easy as I thought, since they use a relay and describe the motor for the roller shutter with 24V. But the relay has 230V anyways?

Anyone with a good idea how the setp should look like that it integrates with Home Assistant? Z-Wave and Fibaro Roller Shutter would bei my favorite option as I have these everywhere else. Other options appreciated.