It works, but I still miss the equivalent of an old school rotary dimmer:
you can go from 0% to 100% in +/- 180 degrees of rotation
if you turn slowly, brightness changes slowly
if you turn fast, brightness changes fast
push button to toggle light
any good tips for such hardware?
(To be clear: I just want the controller/dial button, no need to have a “real” dimmer attached, all my lights are already smart…)
thanx for this suggestion.
However, on the documentation you pointed me to, I can read
simulated_brightness: Simulate a brightness value. If this device provides a brightness_move_up or brightness_move_down action it is possible to specify the update interval and delta. The action_brightness_delta indicates the delta for each interval. Example:
delta: 20 # delta per interval, default = 20
interval: 200 # interval in milliseconds, default = 200
But this is the same as with my IKEA E1744 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT,
and only the period you are turning the know does matter. The knop can not make any difference between a “fast” turn or a “slow” turn.
Are you sure this dial can do this?
What I would like to have: if you turn slowly, for example, there is 5% more light with every click. If you quickly turn a quarter turn, you are on, for example, 20 clicks which would then mean 100% light. If a click is skipped is not a disaster.
Some examples that can do this: the volume knob of my (Denon) amplifier, the rotary knob of my digital Buderus thermostat, etc…
So can we conclude that you can NOT detect speed and/or steps that the knob has been rotated?
But than, can you elaborate what action_step_size and action_rate does?