Round number on Statistics Card

Hi there,
I have a Statistics Card with a sensor that stores long-term statistics. Now I would like to round the displayed number without any decimals (see image), but cannot figure out how to do it.

It is a total increasing sensor and the absolute value is rounded but not the statistically calculated one.

Here is my yaml card code:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: statistic
            period: year
        stat_type: change
        entity: sensor.gaszaehler_value
        name: Jahresverbrauch
        icon: mdi:chart-bar
        theme: Bubble
          type: picture
          image: /local/gasheizung.png

Does someone have an idea how to reach my goal?

I have this issue as well. It blows my mind how there is no setting for decimals AND the card does not respect the amount of decimals the main entity has set in the GUI entity menu.

Best I can think of is to create separate template entities that round a stat value down to zero decimals and then display that value, but I don’t want to have more unnecessary entities into my 5GB(!) database.

In my case I try to display some daily and monthly values for power and energy use/production but those decimals ruin it for me (and the font size of the value is too big on some mobile devices to see nothing but the first number, but card-mod can maybe fix that)