šŸŸ£ Rounded - Dashboard guide

Great dashboard @mjinx27! Any chance sharing your code? Iā€™ve love to know how you did your Now Playing Apple TV card.

Hi @fastender, awesome looking card, can you share your code?

Gladly, made it on the fly, so not well thought out yet, you need mini-graph in addition and mushroom as well unfortunately.

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Unfortunately, there is no change for me yet.

Hi @LE0N ,
your work is HUGE and very beautiful!
iā€™ve adapted your ā€œlights cardsā€ to my covers/shutter, additionally to name/icon/slider iā€™d like to add cover position status and buttons (up/stop/down): do you think is possible?
iā€™m quite new with all and custom button card is not so simple for me.
thanks in advance


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Based on the energy cost buttons that @mjinx27 has in his tablet view. I have created the following:

type: grid
columns: 2
square: false
  - type: custom:button-card
    color_type: label-card
    layout: label
    show_name: false
    show_state: false
    show_units: false
    show_label: true
    show_icon: true
    entity: sensor.james_energy_cost_daily
    icon: fas:bolt
    label: |
        return 'Today Ā£' + states['sensor.james_energy_cost_daily'].state ;
    aspect_ratio: 3/1
      action: none
      action: none
        - width: 9px
        - top: 0%
        - justify-content: flex-end
        - grid-template-areas: '"i l"'
        - grid-template-columns: min-width min-width
        - height: 20px
        - background-color: var(--yellow)
        - padding: 20px
        - font-size: 14px
        - margin-left: 5%
        - justify-self: flex-start
  - type: custom:button-card
    color_type: label-card
    layout: label
    show_name: false
    show_state: false
    show_units: false
    show_label: true
    show_icon: true
    icon: fas:plug
    entity: sensor.james_power_usage
    label: |
        return 'Currently ' + states['sensor.james_power_usage'].state + 'W';
    aspect_ratio: 3/1
      action: none
      action: none
        - width: 9px
        - top: '-10%'
        - justify-content: flex-end
        - grid-template-areas: '"i l"'
        - grid-template-columns: min-width min-width
        - height: 20px
        - background-color: var(--red)
        - padding: 20px
        - font-size: 14px
        - margin-left: 5%
        - justify-self: flex-start

Hope its of use to someone! :grin:


Hi, after update to 2023.5.1 if I use ā€œbottom tabbarā€ there is back an empty space in the place where top navbar was located. And ā€œbottom tabbarā€ overlaps part of cards on the bottom of my view.
With 2023.4 it was fine the issue emerged after update to 2023.5.

This is config functional before update:

  card-mod-root-yaml: |
    ha-tabs$: |
      #tabsContainer {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
    .: |

      /* ___________ Bottom tabbar ___________  */

      #view {
        margin-top: 0 !important;
      .header {
        top: auto !important;
        bottom: 0 !important;
      :host([scrolled]) .header {
        box-shadow: none !important;
      .toolbar {
        height: 80px !important;
        padding: 4px 4px 16px 4px !important;

      /* This hides the help button, menu button and title */
      a.menu-link[target="_blank"], ha-button-menu, [main-title] {
        display: none !important;
      ha-menu-button, ha-icon-button {
        display: none !important;

      ha-tabs: {
        height: var(--header-height);
        --paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: var(--button-card-background-color-on) !important;
        color: var(--app-header-text-color) !important;
      paper-tab[aria-selected=true] > ha-icon, paper-tab[aria-selected=true] {
        color: var(--button-card-background-color-on) !important;

      /* Color selected tabs */
      paper-tab[aria-selected="true"] > ha-icon {
        color: var(--primary-color) !important;

Any idea how to solve it?

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what happened if your try this in the theme rounded.yaml

masonry-view-card-margin: 0px 20px

dont forget to reload the theme through dev tools

A little bit better on some views, but empty space on the top is still there.

It changed gaps between cards so my views look weird. It means masonry-view-card-margin: 0px 20px does not solve this case :roll_eyes:

I have also noticed some changes since 2023.5. The bottom bar is now transparent again, but not blurred. In addition, the bottom bar feels higher and the distance between the page content and the top feels increased. :confused:

try adding padding-top to #view section in your theme yaml

    #view {
      margin-top: 0px !important;
      padding-top: 0px !important;
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Yes !!! It is it. :+1: Thank you

As usual - I did not see it

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I have the same problem like @CM000n. The bottom bar is much higher and covers even the ā€œadd cardā€ button. The solution provided by @schmierlappe unfortunately doesnā€™t work for this problem.

Any suggestions to solve this issue would be highly appreciated!

I have fixed it again for myself. The bottom bar now has an acceptable size again and is blurred :slight_smile:
homeassistant/rounded.yaml at main Ā· CM000n/homeassistant Ā· GitHub


HI! Thanks for your code, it works perfectly!
I would like to ask you for a little help, on my theme I put the minimalist theme navbar.
However, I would like to put the blur effect there too, but Iā€™m not capable of it ā€¦ could you help me?

  card-mod-root-yaml: |
    ha-tabs$: |
      #tabsContent {
        width: 97%;
    .: |
      /* ___________ Bottom tabbar ___________  */
        transform: initial;
        padding: 0 !important;
        position: fixed !important;
        margin: 0 !important;
        width: 100%;
      .header {
        top: auto !important;
        bottom: 0px !important;
        transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) !important;
        backdrop-filter: blur(50px) !important;
        -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(50px) !important;
        -moz-backdrop-filter: blur(50px);
        -o-backdrop-filter: blur(50px);
        -ms-backdrop-filter: blur(50px);
        background-color: rgba(var(--contrast1-RGB),0.6) !important;
      :host([scrolled]) .header {
        box-shadow: none !important;
      .toolbar {
        height: var(--header-base-height) !important;
        padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom) !important;
        background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important;
      #view {
        margin-top: calc(-1 * var(--header-height)) !important;
        padding-bottom: var(--header-height);
      ha-tabs {
        --paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: var(--header-tab-indicator-color);
        --mdc-icon-size: 26px;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;
        padding: 0 10px;
        height:50px !important;
      paper-tab[aria-selected=true] {
        color: var(--header-active-tab-color);
        background-color: var(--header-active-tab-bg-color);
      paper-tab {
        color: var(--header-all-tabs-color);
        border-radius: 25px;
        /*width: calc(100% / 4);
        padding: 0;*/
        padding-left: 20px;
        padding-right: 20px;

      ha-menu-button, ha-button-menu {
        color: var(--contrast10);

Hi, apologies for the late reply, only just seen this :slight_smile: Will clean up my code and upload to Github soon


Is there anyone that can lend a hand? Iā€™m trying to recreate this in my HA but Iā€™m running into trouble with a specific slider card where the gradient in the background isnā€™t much of a gradient so the color looks solid.

type: custom:button-card
name: Living Room Strip
      type: custom:my-slider-v2
      entity: light.hue_gradient_lightstrip_1
      colorMode: brightness
          - border-radius: 100px
          - overflow: visible
          - background: none
          - height: 40px
          - padding: 0 20px
          - background: var(--brightness)
          - overflow: visible
          - background: none
          - background: none
          - background: var(--black)
          - top: 2px
          - right: '-18px'
          - height: 36px
          - width: 36px
          - border-radius: 100px
    - grid-template-areas: '"n" "slider"'
    - grid-template-columns: 1fr
    - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content
    - background: var(--brightness-tint)
    - padding: 16px
    - '--mdc-ripple-press-opacity': 0
    - justify-self: start
    - font-size: 14px
    - margin: 4px 0 12px 0
    - color: var(--contrast20)

I think this might be due to your display settings. The change in color is minimal, but seems to be exactly the same as in the pictures of le0n.

Did you manage to remove the gap at the top? If so, how did you? Thanks!

Exactly as @schmierlappe has already described it: