Rounding tempalte sensor not working


i coreccted the value of my hue motion temperature sensor:

        friendly_name: "Büro Temperatur"
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.bewegungsmelder_buro.state | float + 1.8 | round(1) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'

But it is not rounded :frowning:
Büro Temperatur - 23.400000000000002 °
I want 23.40 °

Whats wrong here?

Thanks a lot

You are only rounding the number 1.8, try:

value_template: "{{ ( states('sensor.bewegungsmelder_buro')|float + 1.8 )|round(1) }}"

Order of operations is:

Filters, then
Parentheses, then
Exponents, then
Multiplication and division, left to right, then
Addition and subtraction, left to right

Thank you! That`s working with the brackets!!