I am trying to create an automation when a device join my wifi network.
I configured my router in HA and I have now device_tracker entities corresponding on the devices on my local network.
Problem is : when I connect or disconnect a device to/from my wifi, the entity takes minutes to change state (I checked in the entity history and with a node-red current-state flow).
Connections should be fixable, but disconnections are always a problem: clients can pop on and off all the time depending on coverage, power-saving behaviour etc etc, so knowing when it’s actually left for good is a heuristics problem.
Note that the Freebox waits for some time before marking a device as inactive, meaning that there will be a small delay (1 or 2 minutes) between the time you disconnect a device and the time it will appear as “away” in Home Assistant. You should take this into account when specifying the consider_home parameter. On the contrary, the Freebox immediately reports devices newly connected, so they should appear as “home” almost instantly, as soon as Home Assistant refreshes the devices states.
But I tried many times and the home state is not instant as I connect the device.
I didn’t do any particular configuration.
But when I look on my router wifi settings, I can see my device connection immediatly.