I’m in the UK and about to start my journey into HA (and Frigate) and am just getting my ducks in a row first, starting with network security.
I’m getting FTTP next week and I need to buy a new router. While doing research into HA/Frigate earlier in the year I read someone recommend the Synology RT6600AX (I now can’t find the post) because it allowed for VLANs and had built in VPN.
The router looks good to me and am about to order but just wanted to make sure I wasn’t about to make a huge mistake or should be looking at something else.
Really depends on what your intent is and how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. If you’re just looking for a solid router with ease of use from a security perspective, you can’t go wrong with a Unifi Dream Machine Pro or SE. If you want extreme granular control, probably better off setting up pfsense.
Any router will work and provide security really. Just makes sure its firmware stays up to date. Before you buy just google the model and the company with the words hack or vulnerability to see if any red flags pop up
I used ubiquiti unifi USG for years. It has usb drive that holds firmware that would crap out every 1.5yr and i would have to restore from an image of another USG. If i didn’t have multiple USG i would have been forced to replace it years ago. It wasnt bad and worked well, just that flash drive thing sucked. Happened to all three of my units multiple times. IDS caused one to go and the other was bad Power supply related.
Due to recent USG failure i look for replacement options. I no longer recommend unifi routers. Switches and wifi are great. The ubiquiti edge router is a better choice i would expect. Haven’t used it just my expectations. PFSensene or OpnSense are next alternative and i think goto industry standard.
Again, any router is fine. Just check internet for issues. If you have capability to do or learn you can go with PFsensene or Opnsense and run that on PC with dual nics
This is categorically false. Most consumer grade routers provide no/next to no firewall functionality. Most also only support 1 standard network and maybe a guest network.
If you’re talking about vulnerabilities against the product itself, that’s a different conversation but sounds like the OP is more looking for hardening the network.
I had a USG for five years that never missed a beat and have had the UDM Pro racked for well over a year with no issues. I don’t think a single experience can represent the product as a whole.
Router is a router. Unless it has some documented vulnerability or the brand is known for security issues, likely its OK for routing and basic frill free firewall. Proole use multple router to seperate network. Im not for it but i give options if i dont know budget. You can install DDWRT as well.
Ubiquiti mention is info only. I love unifi, just outgrew it and after >10yrs using and seeing something else i realized while i would still use switches and APs i would have been better served to start with Opnsense or PFSense. Its a lot to manage so unifi is goto if you dont want to be IT Admin
I suggest PFSense or Opnsense honestly. Unifi gateways are ultimately too limited -and overpriced when unlimited/basically free is available. Ubuiquiti edgeOS or whatever, I here is better, but i expect that if you can manage that you can manage PF or Opn and will get more features, open code and at same or cheaper price.