RPI 3 B+ won’t boot from latest Home Assistant

Hi Guys!
So i’m new to Home Assistant and i wanted to give it a go.
Unfortunately i have problems installing :frowning:

My setup:
Raspberry Pi 3 B+
32 GB Sandisk SD card
3A power suply
Card reader

So i have downloaded the 32-bit version and followed the installation guide on the website.
I always format SD card before flashing it (tried balena, win32 disk imager, RUFUS and RPI Imager).
My RPI won’t recognince any bootable from the SD card. Green light blinks twice then no action.
No lights on my Ethernet port aswell.

Just bought a new SD card to rule out dead card, no luck.
Raspbian installs just fine and boots up, on the same SD cards.

What can i do to fix this?
I have tried any solution provided online, and i don’t consider myself a complete “noob” :slightly_smiling_face:

Try the 64 bit version.

I’ve read reports that there may be a problem with the 32 bit version.

Hi @Akriss,

I have tried the 64bit once. I will try again tomorrow and give you an update :slight_smile: