I suspect my SD card is wearing out, but that’s a separate issue. Happened sometime last night. I have the Nginx proxy manager and Adguard addons, so the RPi is also my network’s DNS server. I have a web server running on a separate device, so I use Nginx proxy to have that server on mydomain.com and HA on home.mydomain.com.
My question is, when the RPi has crashed in the past, the web stops working, which makes sense because it’s the DNS server. Everything goes back to normal about 20 minutes after I power cycle it. However, this time the whole LAN went to hell. My wifi thermostat wouldn’t reconnect like it normally does. Even devices that work over LAN and don’t require a functioning Internet connection, like my wifi printer and Sonos speaker, stopped working and wouldn’t connect again until I rebooted the router, deleted them from the network, and set them up again from scratch.
Any idea what’s going on here? Thanks!