RPi 5 GPIO Support yet

Do we have any solutions for Pi5 GPIO support yet? Anyone had any success at all? I’ve searched long and hard and have turned up nothing and unfortunately lack the skill to work it out from scratch but can implement a solution if someone has got it working.


If there is any support, it won’t be via stock HAOS/ HASS due to ADR-0019:

The original RPi GPIO add-on moved to HACS, but my fix was to move from direct GPIO to ESPhome or Tasmota. On balance, maintaining a £4 Wemos D1 Mini Clone with ESPhome works fine and insulates (security and literally electrically) the RPi from hardware problems.

IMHO, a cheap RPi3b might be have been worth a hardware punt for a few DS18B20 or similar, but a £60+ RPi5 isn’t.

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