Rpi_gpio not working

Raspberry pi 4B
HA 2021.11.3 64B

I see in several older posts about getting the gpio that it is not running in the 64b image. is that still the case?
I made this addition in my configuration.yaml

# GPIO rain sensor
  - platform: rpi_gpio
      24: rainy_sensor
    pull_mode: down

After restarting the core I see an entity


but this entity is not showing in the panel with all the other binairy sensors.
I connect BCM input 24 with a 3,5V pin next to it but the sensor remains in the “on” state.
there is nothing to be found in the logfiles about this sensor.

I had the same configuration on the same hardware running Domoticz and it worked fine there but there I had to make some config changes on the Linuxlevel:

a.	echo 24 > /sys/class/gpio/export
b.	echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/direction
c.	echo both > /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/edge
d.	You have to give these commands every time you start linux, so it's smart to add these commands to a file like /etc/rc.local which gets called when the Pi boots.

But apparently HA makes these changes because the repective files exist in the /sys/class/gpio directory

Problem solved.
If I use a pull up resistor and connect gpio to the adjacent groundpin it works.

Thank you for coming back to post an update on your fix.

I use GPIO pins and I’m thinking of updating to a RPi 4 (from a 3B+). I’ve found that I don’t need the pull-up resistors, at least on the pins I’m using.

Do you know exactly what was causing the problem for you? No resistors? Wrong ground pin? Something else?

No. I did not research that through. And to be clear: I don’t use a physical resistor. I use the pull up function of the pi.