RPi / LIRC Universal Remote - HA integration


I am about to build an RPi / LIRC universal remote control based on this instruction: https://www.hackster.io/austin-stanton/creating-a-raspberry-pi-universal-remote-with-lirc-2fd581

Any suggestion how could I connect this universal remote controller to my HA (HA is not hosted on the RPi)?

My goal is to have a scene e.g. “Movie time” and the remote will turn on the projector, AV receiver, next to controlling the light bulbs which are already connected…

Any help is much appreciated!

I enjoy DIY but went another route just for ease of implementation and lower cost. The cost item depends on if you need to buy another PI or not. But this integrates easily with HA and has worked flawlessly for me.


For info you don t really need a pi to do an universal remote, a 5euros nodemcu is enough with this library :

I linked it to my ha controller with mqtt (https://github.com/1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway)

Thanks a lot to both of you! I believe I will go with the Broadlink, it is fairly cheap and much easier to implement…

HI have similar problem like the author of this post. In my case i want to add new feature to my old Technics with volumio which is hosted on RPI. I want to add an IR blaster to this but i have no idea how to control it with HA (HA is on a diffrent RPI).